
Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag Section A 1a-1c课件+音频(共27张PPT,含内嵌视频)人教版七年级上册

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:18次 大小:35633844Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit4 Where's my shoolbag SectionA 1a-1c Tom always can't find(找到) his things(东西). Tom -Where's my pencil -It's your schoolbag. in I can say Where is II -Where are my keys -They're the sofa. on under -Where's my cup -It's the table. on under -Where are my rulers -They're the chair. on -Where are my rulers -They're the chair. under -Where are my books -They're the bookcase. in -Where's my computer game -It's the bed. on -Where's my computer game -It's the bed. under 1. Match the words with the things in the picture. b e h g d a f c I can match under on in 2. Match the words with the pictures. 1. Listen and number the things in the picture [1-4]. 1 2 4 3 I can listen 2. Listen again and fill in the blanks. Tom: Where are my books Father: _____ on the sofa. Tom: How about my pencil box Mother: It's ___ your schoolbag. Tom: OK. And _____ my computer game Helen: Your computer game It's ____ your bed. Tom: Great. Now where are my keys Father: Oh, they're ____ the table. They're where's under on in =Where's my pencil box Rules A: Where is/are my... B: It's/They're ... C: It's/They're ... 一名学生根据图片提问"Where is/are my... " , 点名组员用"It's/They're..."给出猜测, 并根据猜测擦拭相关位置. 如物品出现, 则成功找到, 如无, 再点另外组员猜测. 每组最多三次猜测机会. I can find -Where are my keys -They're under the sofa. -Where's my ruler -It's on the table. -Where's my cup -It's under the chair. -Where are my books -They're in the schoolbag. -Where's my pencil -It's in the bookcase. -Where are my pens -They'are on the bed. Book, book, book, book. Where's my book Where's my book It's on the sofa, it's on the sofa, on the sofa, on the sofa. Keys, keys, keys, keys. Where are my keys Where are my keys They're under the chair, they're under the chair, under the chair, under the chair. I can chant I can report Work in groups to introduce your room and give a report. 小组合作, 讨论并一起介绍你们的房间.可以参考给到的模板. Hello,everyone. This is our room. It’s very nice. The ... are on the ... The ...is... Put the things in the proper places. Keep our room and classroom clean and tidy. 把物品放在合适的位置. 使我们的房间和教室保持干净, 整洁. Thanks very much for your listening!

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