
人教版(2019) 必修第三册 Unit 5 The Value of Money Reading and Thinking课件(共19张PPT内嵌音视频)

日期:2024-07-09 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:16次 大小:20330598Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 5 The Value of Money Listening and Speaking a thought-provoking question 一个发人深省/引人深思的问题 I value our valuable friendship very much, and the friendship without you will be valueless. v. 珍视,重视 a. 宝贵的,贵重的 a. 没有价值的,不值钱的,不重要的 The Value of Money At the end of this lesson, you are going to: 1. Discuss and share your views on money; 2. Listen to a news report about the lost money and mater its text structure; 3. Make a reasonable judgement on the value of money. RMB ¥ dollar $ Euro ? Pound £ 科威特第纳尔 Currency 货币 Exchange rate 汇率 2024-06-23 7.26 ¥ 7.76 ¥ 9.18 ¥ 23.6 ¥ Money is a good servant and a bad master. --Francis Bacon 金钱是善仆,也是恶主。 We live to make money We make money to live 弟子问师父:“您能谈谈人类的奇怪之处吗?”师父答道:“他们急于成长,然后又哀叹失去的童年。他们以健康换取金钱,不久后又想用金钱恢复健康。他们对未来焦虑不已,却又无视现在的幸福。因此,他们既不活在当下,也不活在未来,他们活着仿佛从来不会死亡;临死前,又仿佛从未活过。” 人类的奇怪之处 clothes, food, cars, house, phones, computers, pens, books, … What can people not buy with money needs love, friendship, health, family, respect, knowledge, and so on … needs material spiritual Brainstorming What can people buy with money in order to lead a good life We can use money to meet our material needs, but we can’t use money to satisfy our spiritual needs. 1. What happened to the girl called Phoebe in this video clip 2. What were her friends’ advice 3. What’s the girl’s attitude toward the money Watch and Answer 1. What happened to the girl called Phoebe Phoebe found that there were ____ extra dollars in her account. 2. What were her friends’ suggestions They suggested her _____. 500 keeping it or spending it Watch and Answer 3. What’s the girl’s attitude toward the money She (should/shouldn’t) keep the money because she . If she kept it, it would be like . shouldn’t didn’t earn it stealing Watch and Answer If you found a sum of money accidentally like Phoebe, how would you deal with it Work in pairs and discuss the following question. Take it for yourself hand it over to the police turn a blind eye to it find the owner(物主/主人) and return it 佯装不见;睁一只眼闭一只眼 Think and Share News Lead: Recently, a cleaner by the name of Chen Liyan has made the headlines for her generous and honest act. What is her generous and honest act When and where did this happen Why did she do such an act According to the news lead, what do you think the news will talk about Now let’s listen to a news report to know her story. 5 W and 1 H Look and Predict Listen, summarize the key elements and match the people with the correct information. When _____ Where At _____ What Who Last Tuesday morning Taiyuan Railway Station She found a small plastic bag with _____ inside when she was _____. 100, 000 yuan sweeping the floor 1 Chen Liyan 2 Wang Zheng 3 Ma Dongbao 4 Liu Xi ... ...

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