
Unit 6 I'm watching TV Section A 1a-2c 课件+教学设计(共28张PPT)2023-2024学年人教版七年级英语下册

日期:2024-09-14 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:55次 大小:11680746Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 6 I’ m watching TV Section A 1a-2c Learning Aims 1) 能掌握以下单词: newspaper, use, soup, wash, movie, just 2)能掌握以下句型: ① —What are you doing —I'm watching TV. ② —What's he doing —He's using the computer. ③ —What are they doing —They're listening to a CD. 打电话 ④ —This is Jenny. —It's Laura here. Chant Cleaning, Cleaning, Cleaning the Floor Reading, Reading, Reading a Newspaper Talking, Talking, Talking on the Phone Washing, Washing,Washing the Dishes Exercising, Exercising,Exercising Let’s look Bob lives in Happy Apartments in a happy neighborhood. Today it’s Sunday, so Bob’s neighbors are all at home. Now it’s six o’clock in the afternoon, and Bob wants to know what they are doing. Let’s learn Look and say watch TV A: What is she doing B: She is watching TV. Let’s learn Look and say A: What is she doing B: She is listening to a CD. listen to a CD Let’s learn Look and say / nju zpe p (r) / A: What is he doing B: He is reading a newspaper. read a newspaper Let’s learn Look and say A: What is she doing B: She is talking on the phone. talk on the phone Let’s learn Look and say A: What is she doing B: She is exercising. exercise Let’s learn Look and say A: What is he doing B: He is using the computer. use the computer Let’s learn Look and say A: What is she doing B: She is cleaning. clean Let’s learn Look and say / w / A: What is she doing B: She is washing the dishes. wash the dishes Let’s learn Look and say / su p / A: What is she doing B: She is making soup. make soup Let’s match Match the activities with the picture. 1a 1. watching TV __ 2. cleaning __ 3. reading a newspaper __ 4. talking on the phone __ 5. listening to a CD __ 6. using the computer __ 7. making soup ___ 8. washing the dishes __ 9. exercising ___ i d g a h e b c f a b c d e f g h i c Let’s listen 1b What are these people doing Write the numbers from 1a. a. Jenny ___ b. John ___ c. Dave and Mary ___ 1 8 5 Tips: gender and number (性别及人数) a b c d e f g h i c Let’s listen 1b Listen again and fill in the chart. name activity(what is sb doing) Jenny John Dave Mary watching TV washing the dishes listening to a CD listening to a CD Let’s talk From the audio, we know the following sentences are used to ask and answer about an ongoing action. What are you doing What is he/she doing What are they doing I’m ...ing. He/She is ...ing. They are ...ing. Pair work 1c Ask and answer questions about what people are doing in 1a. What’s he doing He’s using the computer. What are they doing They’re listening to a CD. watching TV reading a newspaper talking on the phone listening to a CD washing the dishes using the computer making soup exercising going to the movies watching TV reading a newspaper talking on the phone listening to a CD washing the dishes using the computer making soup exercising going to the movies a b c d e f g h i Look at the picture and answer the questions. Let’ ... ...

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