
Unit 8 Is there a post office near here?单元练习(含答案)2023-2024学年人教版英语七年级下册

日期:2024-09-10 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:84次 大小:22093Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit8单元练习 用所给词适当形式填空: _____ give kids a quiet and safe place to read and learn. ( library ) Scotland(苏格兰)lies in the _____ part of Britain, with England in the south. ( north) Tony's father and uncle are both _____. They help keep the city safe. ( policeman) Turn right at the first _____ and go along the Moni Road. You can find the park is on your right. ( cross ) The two _____ are the same in size and service(服务), but that one is much more expensive(贵).(hotel) I'm _____ to my parents. Because I help them to clean the windows and do the dishes.( help) It's a good idea to build cabin _____ to receive(接收) patients during the outbreak of virus(病毒).( hospital) We often see people in different _____ wear different clothes. ( office ) If you spend $100 or more in our stores,you will receive(获得)six hours of free _____.(park ) In China, hotpot( 火锅) has got a history of _____ than 2,000 years.It became popular among many countries. ( much ) There _____ still some milk in the fridge.It's not necessary to go to the store today. (be) --Who is making so _____ noise outside (many) --It is the children. The little girl has to spend at least two hours every day _____ playing the piano.( practice ) --There are some boys _____ skating on the river.( go) --Let's go and join them. Every morning the old woman _____road to walk her dog and buy some vegetables in the market.( cross ) Yesterday morning , Peter ran _____ all the way to school , but he was still late. ( quick ) Tum left at the _____ crossing and turn right at the first crossing, then you can see the cinema on your right. ( two ) I live in a noisy _____.And there is a market across from my house. ( neighbor ) The _____ may face certain death if the rescue today is unsuccessful.( climb) --It's _____to learn to work on the machine(机器). --Let me try. Oh, I really can do it _____.Thanks.( easy ) Jack is interested in history, and he often visits museums in his _____ time.( free ) Walk down this street, then turn right at the second _____. The flower market is on your left. ( turn ) Those children are playing _____ in the hallway. Tell them to be quiet. ( noise ) After you take exercise, such as running and swimming, your body _____. ( relax ) Swimming for some time after a tiring day is very _____ and exciting for me in summer.( enjoy) His wife was busy _____while he was watching TV comfortably in the living room.( cook ) My mother wants to buy the red dress, but she doesn't have enough _____.( money ) The park is very beautiful. Many people enjoy _____ a walk there after dinner. ( take ) The lady is standing by the desk and watching her daughter _____ her homework. ( do ) Jerry, your parents are old and you need to spend some time _____ with them. ( be ) --Look at the _____ kids! ( noise ) . --Haven't you heard the saying “ When the cat is away, the mice will play" Chinese is getting popular.Many people will enjoy _____ Chinese in the world. (learn) Along the river _____ of the ... ...

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