
人教新目标(Go for it)版七年级上册Unit 4 Where's my schoolbag?Section A Grammar~3c 课件 (共27张PPT)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:75次 大小:9231076Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 4 Where's my schoolbag Section A Period 3 (Grammar) Learning Objectives By the end of the class, you will be able to 1. summarize the rules of the verb forms; 2. apply prepositions to describe positions. Where are the _____ They're on the sofa. Where is the _____ It's in the schoolbag. Where is the _____ It's under the bed. Where question is for _____. positions Classifying activities Where's the map Where are my books Where's his pencil box Where's your ruler Where are their keys Where's the map Where's his pencil box Where's your ruler It's in your grandparents' room. It's in his schoolbag. It's under the chair. Where are my books Where are their keys They're on the sofa. They're on the table. Let's practice. Tom's room is still in a mess. Let's help Tom find his things. A: Where _____ the keys B: They're _____ the _____. are on desk A: Where's the _____ _____ it on your desk B: No, it's _____ the chair. book Is under A: Where _____ the pencils B: I don't know. _____ they in the _____ A: Yes, they are. schoolbag Are are Tom wants to find more things. Let's help him. What questions will Tom ask to find his things Where is... Where are ... Is my ... on/ in/ under ... Are they on/ in/ under ... How about ... Where is... Where are ... Is my ... on/ in/ under ... Are they on/ in/ under ... How about ... It's your turn now. His books are on the bed. His socks are in the drawer. His T-shirt and football are also on the floor. His computer game is always under the bed. He leaves his things everywhere. He has to look for them all the time. His parents and sister have to help him all the time. What is Tom's daily life like Suppose you are Tom's parent or sister. Make a conversation to help Tom. See you!

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