
Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag Section A (1a-2d)课件(共20张PPT)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:99次 大小:17078183Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Section A (1a-2d) Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag Review —What’s this —It’s… —How do you spell it —... —What are these —They are… —How do you spell it —... What’s this It's a/an.... Review: What are these They're.... /ei/ /e/ /e / New words: /ei/ / u/ on under in 在……里面 在……上面 在……下面 Let's sing chair /t e / table /'teibl/ bed /bed/ sofa /'s uf / bookcase/'bukkeis/ where /w / 新词 desk /desk/ 桌子 椅子 书架 沙发 床 书桌 在哪里 on under in 在……里面 在……上面 在……下面 chair /t e / table /'teibl/ bed /bed/ sofa /'s uf / bookcase/'bukkeis/ where /w / desk /desk/ on under in Words and expressions 1. table ____ 2. bed ____ 3. bookcase ___ 4. sofa ___ 5. chair ___ 6.schoolbag ___ 7. books ___ 8. keys ____ b e h g d a f c Match the words with the things in the picture. 1a 2 3 4 Listen and number the things in the picture [1-4]. 1b Tom: Where are my books Father: They're on the . Tom: How about my pencil box Father: It's in your . Tom: OK. And where's my computer game Helen: Your computer game It's your bed. Tom: Great. Now where are my Father: Oh, they're the table. Listen again and fill in the missing words. sofa schoolbag under keys on Where is the schoolbag It’s under the table. Practice the conversations in 1a with your partner. Then make your own conversations using the words in the box. 1c pair-work A: Where is the… B: It’s… A: Where are the… B: They’re… Where’s under 2. A: _____ ___ the books B: They are _____the chair . 1.请根据图片提示完成对话,每空一词(含缩写)。 当堂训练 Where are on 1. A: _____ the pen B: It’s ____ the desk. in on under ___the river __ the chair ____ the desk 2.请根据图片提示用介词on,under或in填空。 summary 家具名词: table bed bookcase sofa chair 2.表示方位的介词: on in under 3. -Where is/ are … 询问某物在何处 -It’s / They’re in/ on /under… 对方位进行提问用特殊疑问词_____ where Homework 1 .复习本节课的单词和句型. 2 .书面表达:用英语描述自己的房间. (参照你房间里的东西用介词in,on,under写五个句子。) Thank you !

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