
人教版七年级上册 Unit 4 Where's my schoolbag Section A1a-1c课件+音频(共38张PPT)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:23次 大小:7146068Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 七上Unit 4 Where 's my schoolbag . Section A 1a-1c 第一课时 Welcome to my room sofa/'s uf / bookcase /'b kkeis/ bed/bed/ table/'teibl/ chair/t e (r)/ sofa / s f / It's a sofa. What’s this in English chair /t e / It's a chair. What’s this in English schoolbag / sku:lb g/ It's a schoolbag. What’s this in English book /buk/ It's a book. What’s this in English It’s a pencil box. pencil box What’s this in English They are sofas. sofas / s f z/ What are these in English They are chairs. chairs /t e z/ What are these in English They are schoolbags. schoolbags / sku:lb gz/ What are these in English They are books. books /buk s/ What are these in English Challenge your memory! 挑战你的记忆力 快看快读 1.table 2.bed 3.bookcase 4.sofa 5.chair 6.schoolbag 7.books 8.keys 1a Match the words with the things in the picture. b e h g d a f c --Where is the spider --It's in the box. --Where is the spider --It's on the box. --Where is the spider --It's under the box. Where’s Tom It’s in the box. I’m Tom. Where’s Tom It’s on the box. Where’s Tom It’s under the box. Where+is+单数名词? It’s+on/in/under介词短语 --Where are the books --They are on the bed. --Where are the computer games --They are in the box. --Where are the pencil boxes --They are under the table. Where+are+复数名词? They're+on/in/under介词短语 Where are the books Where are the computer games Where are the pencil boxes Let's watch 1b Listen and number the things in the picture when you hear them.[1-4] A:Where are my books B:They are on the sofa. A:How about my pencil box B:It's in your schoolbag. A:Ok.And where is my computer game B:Your computer game A:It's under your bed. B:Great. Where are my keys A:Oh! They are on the table. 1c Make your own conversations. Use the words in the box. on in under… 1. Where’s the… 2. It’s in/on under… A: Where is/ are the… B: It’s/ They’re in/ on/ under/… Pair work A: Where is/ are the… B: It’s/ They’re in/ on/ under/… (3) Practice (在哪里) is the book (1) (2) My key is (在……下面) the dresser. my key It’s on the chair. A.Where B.Where's C.Where’re D.Where are (4) my baseballs They are under the bed. A.Where are B.Where C.where's D.Where is Where under Where+is+the/my/Tom's单数名词? It's+on/in/under介词短语 Where+are+the/my/Tom's复数名词? They're+on/in/under介词短语 Summary 拓展提升 There is a bird _____ the tree. in There is an apple _____ the tree. on Tips: 苹果长在树上,用on。小鸟不是长在树上用in。 拓展提升 There is a window _____ the wall. in There is a clock _____ the wall. on Tips: 挂在墙面上用on。镶嵌在墙里用in。 Which one do you like? Sentences of everyday We should keep our room clean and tidy. No littering. No scribble. Homework: (分层设计) 1、请你用思维导图描述你所找到的 in/ on/ under 等介词。(你一定能做!) 2、观察你自己房间里物品的放置情况,练习使用in/ on/ under 等介词,并用英语写下几句话。(尝试以下,你也可以的!) ... ...

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