
Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag Section A 1a-1c课件(共24张PPT,内嵌音频)2023-2024学年人教版英语七年级上册

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:36次 大小:5618750Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 人教版 七年级上册 Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag Section A (1a-1c) learning objectives By the end of the class, This is my room /ru m/房间. Hi, I’m Tom ,Welcome to my house ! table / te bl/ 桌子 desk /desk/ 桌子 What things can we see in Tom’s room What other things can we see in Tom’s room bed /bed/床 bookcase / b k ke s/书架 What other things can we see in Tom’s room sofa / s f /沙发 chair/t e /椅子 behind under by in on I have a naughty (调皮的)cat. A: Where is my cat B: It’s _____ the box. Can you help me find Jerry - Where is Jerry - It’s on/ in/ under the ... 1. table _b_ 2. bed __ 3. bookcase __ 4. sofa ___ 5. chair ___ 6. schoolbag __ 7. books __ 8. keys ___ a c d e f g h I can’t find my things.Help me ,please! -Where /we / 在哪里is my pen -It’s _____the table . on -Where is my schoolbag -It’s _____ . under the desk -They’re _____the bookcase in -Where are my books -Where are my books -They’re under the chair. 1b Listen and number the things in the picture (1-4). books a computer game keys a pencil box What are they 1b Listen and number the things in the picture (1-4). books a computer game keys a pencil box 2 3 4 Listen again and complete the blanks. Tom: Where are my _____ Father: They’re on the sofa. Tom: How about my pencil box Mother: It’s _____. Tom: OK. And where’s my computer game Helen: Your computer game It’s _____. Tom: Great. Now where are my _____ Father: Oh, they’re on the table. books in your schoolbag under your bed keys 在沙发上 铅笔盒;文具盒 on / under one's bed 在某人的床上 / 下面 在桌子上 Where is the schoolbag It’s under the table. Practice the conversations in 1a with your partner. Then make your own conversations using the words in the box. 1c Where’s the… It’s on/ in/ under …. pairwork Where are the … They are … Where are the keys They are on the table. pairwork Group activity 活动原则:整理自己的房间,把东西放在 合适的位置。A同学说句子,B同学上图片上 摆放。如:A:My pencil box is on the table. B同学在白板上移动铅笔盒到桌子上 Hello! My name is Tom. This is my bedroom. My schoolbag is under the table. My …s are …. The…is… and the…s are…. My room is untidy and I always can't find my things. We should always keep our room clean and tidy. Let's summary If you want to look for something, you can ask: Where is the....../ Where are the..... Is the .... on/in/under the...... Are the .... on/in/under the...... We have learned the prepositions: on 在...上面 in 在...里面 under 在...下面 It's/They're on the... 1. Make your own conversations : -Where's the... -It's on/in/under... -Where are... -They're on/in/under... 2.Design your own room and describe it. Homework

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