
Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag?Section A 1a-2c 课件 (共39张PPT,含内嵌音频) 2023-2024学年人教版英语七年级上册

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:100次 大小:12777167Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Where is my schoolbag Where is my schoolbag Unit 4 Section A 1a-2c 01 02 03 Learning Objectives: By the end of the class, we’ll be able to: learn some key words about school things. talk about where things are with prepositions “on, in, under”. make a conversation to introduce things in our room with what we learn. Activity 1 Lead in What's this It’s a box. What's that It’s a spider. Activity 1 Lead in Where is the spider on on on the box. It’s on the box. Activity 1 Lead in Where is the spider in in in the box. It’s in the box. Activity 1 Lead in Where is the spider under under under the box. It’s under the box. Activity 1 Lead in Where is the spider by by by the box. It’s by the box. Activity 1 Lead in “on, in, under, by” are _____. 方位介词 prepositions pre 在...前面 位置 position When do we use prepositions When we talk about where things are. Activity 2 presentation Whose room is it It’s Tom’s room. Who is she She is Tom’s sister, Helen. Activity 2 presentation Whose room is it It’s Tom’s room. Who are they They are Tom’s parents. Activity 2 presentation Whose room is it It’s Tom’s room. This is Tom’s _____ room. living Activity 2 presentation Whose room is it It’s Tom’s room. This is Tom’s ____room. bed Activity 2 presentation Whose room is it It’s Tom’s room. Is Tom’s bedroom tidy(整洁的) Tom’s bedroom No, it isn’t. Tom’s things are _____(到处都是). everywhere Activity 2 presentation Whose room is it It’s Tom’s room. It’s _____(困难的) for Tom to find ___(他的) things. Let's help him! difficult his Activity 3 1a 1. table __ 2. bed __ 3. bookcase __ 4. sofa __ 5. chair __ 6. schoolbag __ 7. books __ 8. keys __ b e h g d a f c c d e f g h b a Activity 4 review the new words What’s this It’s a table. What’s that It’s a desk. drawer Activity 4 review the new words What’s this It’s a bed. What’s that It’s a bookcase. Activity 4 review the new words What’s this It’s a sofa. What’s that It’s a chair. Activity 4 review the new words a table a desk a bed a sofa a chair a bookcase Activity 4 review the new words For girls to read For boys to read Rules:There are five in each group, who is the first to find the five Practice 教学设计 男女生分两组读单词,哪一组先找到苹果下的5只虫子即为赢。 每个苹果都是触发器,学生读对哪个,点哪个 books in where under sofa table bed chair on where in bag keys under school books table bed chair on bag keys school sofa 教学设计 男女生分两组读单词,哪一组先找到苹果下的5只虫子即为赢。 每个苹果都是触发器,学生读对哪个,点哪个 Activity 5 quick response Activity 5 quick response Activity 6 1b Which of them could be found in the picture 1 computer game Activity 6 1b Listen and write 1 2 3 4 Where are my books _____ ___ on the sofa. ____ in your schoolbag. Where’s my pencils box ____ under your bed. Where’s my computer game _____ ___ on the table. Where are my keys 1 2 3 4 They are It’s It’s They are Activity 6 1b ... ...

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