

日期:2024-07-08 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:26次 大小:76290845Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 七年级外研版下册 本册综合语法之时态篇 一般将来时 一般过去时 听歌辩时态 一般将来时 一般过去时 总结与回顾 作业与拓展 目录 一般将来时 定义: 表示计划或将要发生的动作,强调动作时发生在将来 时间轴: 现在 将来 标志词: tomottow(明天)the day after tomorrow(后天) next+时间名称 (下一.......) in+时间名词(在......之后)at once (立刻,马上)等等 句子特点 一般将来时 S.+will+V,(动原)+其它. S.+be going to +V.(动原)+其它. S.+won't+V,(动原)+其它. S.+be +not going to +V.(动原)+其它. Will+S.+V,(动原)+其它 Be+ S.+going to +V.(动原)+其它 e.g. They will do their homework tomorrow . 他们明天做作业。 They are going to do their homework tomorrow . 他们明天做作业。 won't do aren't going to do 不做作业 。 不做作业 。 句子特点 Will they do their homework tomorrow Are they going to do their homework tomorrow 1. The students will study at home in the future. (变一般疑问) _____ the students_____ at home in the future 2. Will there be more cars in five years (做否定回答) _____, _____ _____. 3. They are going to play football this afternoon. (变否定句) They _____ _____ _____play football this afternoon. 4. My mother is going to do the cleaning at the weekend. _____ _____ _____mother _____ _____ _____ at the weekend Practice(句型转换) Will study No, They won't aren't going to What is your going to do 一般过去时 定义: 时间轴: 标志词: 表示过去经常反复发生的动作,强调动作发生在过去。 现在 过去 yesterday(昨天) last+(时间名词)the day before yesterday (前天) ... ago(......以前) 频率副词:always (总是) usually(通常) often(经常)sometime(有时) never(从不,决不) just now(刚刚) once upon a time (从前)等等 行为动词的变化形式 一、不规则动词的一般过去时 did/ didn't出现,动词打回原形 主 + 动(过) + 其它. 主 + didn't + 动(原) + 其它. Did + 主 + 动(原)+ 其它 Yes, 主+did. / No, 主+didn't. He became very famous later. He didn't become very famous later. Did he become very famous later Yes, he did. / No, he didn't. 辨析:They didn't left Nanning during the summer holiday. didn't leave 辨析:Did you went for a walk after dinner go 二、如何判断时态用一般过去时? 诀窍一:关注句首/末的时间标志词 1. yesterday (昨天) 2. last+时间 (上一...) 3. ...ago (...以前) 4. just now (刚刚) 5. in + 过去年份 (在...年) 6. Once upon a time (从前) 诀窍二:关注句中的并列连词 1. He left school and _____(begin) work at the age of twelve. 2. She walked in the forest and _____ (pick) some flowers. 3. She didn't notice me then _____ (run) into the classroom. began picked ran Mike _____(walk) to school just now. walked did/ didn't出现,动词打回原形 Practice(句型转换) I began school at the age of six.(肯定句变否定句) We took a walk this morning.(肯定句变否定句) She went to school by bus every day.(肯定句变疑问句) They went to the park last Sunday.(肯定句变疑问句) I didn't begin school at the age of six. We didn't take a walk this morning. She didn't go to school by bus every day. Did they go to the park last Sunday 1. Last Sunday my aunt_____ at ... ...

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