
Unit 7 Films 复习练习(含答案) 牛津译林版英语九年级上册

日期:2024-07-03 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:38次 大小:29037Byte 来源:二一课件通
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牛津译林版英语九年级上册Unit 7复习练习 班级: 姓 名: 学 号: 单项选择。 ( )1. “A Bite of New Year”is _____ 89-minute-long documentary film. It began to be shown _____ January 7, 2016. A. a, in B. the, on C. an, on D. an, in ( )2. The man spoke loudly in public in order to _____ others’ attention. A. catch B. hold C. have D. make ( )3. It was a small village in the mountains. All the people there lived _____ and happily. A. peacefully B. carefully C. successfully D. unusually ( )4. You _____ park your car here. It’s a “No parking” area. A. mustn’t B. couldn’t C. needn’t D. won’t ( )5. Jim is always so busy _____ he has little time for his family. A. if B. until C. that D. which ( )6. — I don’t like watching documentaries because they are boring. — _____ do I. A. So B. Either C. Also D. Neither ( )7. _____ wonderful news report he wrote! All of us were proud of him. A. How a B. What a C. How D.What ( )8.It was her _____performance. Her successful career _____about forty years. A. last, last B .last, lasted for C. lasted, lasted D. lasted, last for ( )9. How long has his cousin _____ with the girl from the USA A.fallen in love B.loved C.being loved D. been in love ( )10.It was _____a difficult problem_____none of us could work it out. so;that B.such; that C.too;to D.very;that ( )11. Though I like the car made in America, yet its price _____ my afford ability. A. depends on B. goes further C. goes beyond D.begins with ( )12. Can you tell me _____ two years ago A .what is Beijing like B . what Beijing is like C . what Beijing was like D. what was Beijing like ( )13. Audrey won the Oscar _____ Best Actress _____ her role in this film. A. of; in B. as; for C. for; for D. for; in ( )14.People say that the documentary will be covered _____. It brings dinosaurs_____on screen. A.alive; live B. lively; living C. lively; alive D. live; alive ( )15.The old woman lived alone all her life and she_____a rainy winter night. A. passed away at B. past away at C. passed away on D. past away on ( )16. The teacher asked him to speak louder _____ by his classmates. A. so that to be heard B. in order to catch C. so that he could be heard D. being heard 二、词汇。 1.It’s amazing that he has become successful in different_____(产业). 2. It’s surprising that Hawking devoted all his_____(终生)to the scientific research. 3.It’s certain that the sports meeting will be_____(取消) if such bad weather lasts. 4.Audrey Hepburn is_____(认为) to be Hollywood's all-time best. 5.His dream really came true after so many years’_____(努力). 6.Neither Jackie Chan nor Jet Li likes to use_____(替身) in their films. 7.The policeman has_____(误认为) the blind boy for a thief(小偷). 8.The action films acted by Bruce Lee_____(介绍) Chinese kung fu to the West. 9.--What makes him such a good_____(故事讲述者) --Talent and hard work. 10.Some parents_____(坚持) that they know a lot about the children, in fact they don't. 11.The movie is _____(以.....为基础) on a real-life event. 12 ... ...

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