
译林版(2020) 必修第三册 Unit 4 Scientists Who Changed the World Extended reading课件(共55张PPT)

日期:2024-07-02 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:65次 大小:52347066Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) The Value of Science Unit 4 Scientists who changed the world Extended reading Make an oral practice Advantages “Science is a double-edged sword.” Due to the advances in medical science, some deadly diseases can be cured by some life-saving medicine, such as qinghaosu, penicillin and so on. Military science is often misused in wars, which cause countless deaths and injuries. Disadvantages The production of hybrid rice can ease the hunger problem. The invention of the Internet can make our lives more convenient. Being smartphone addicts is harmful to our real lives. Industrialized society can damage the environment. Why is Science a double-edged sword Science is b_____ to us while h_____ to us as well. 有利有弊 beneficial harmful Now we’re going to understand the value of science in a scientist’s eyes. Extended Reading About author Richard Phillips Feynman Born: 11 May 1918, New York, USA Died: 15 February 1988, won the Nobel Prize in Physics 1965 理查德·菲利普斯·费曼 美籍犹太裔物理学家,加州理工学院物理学教授,在量子电动力学(quantum)领域作出了巨大贡献。他被认为是爱因斯坦之后最睿智的理论物理学家,也是第一位提出纳米概念的人,1942年加入美国原子弹研究项目。 Let’s find out how the lecturer explains his ideas on the value of science. The Value of Science SkimmingStructurePart1_____Part2_____Part3_____C.Richard Feynman'spersonal experienceinfluence hisattitudestowards science.A.Threevaluesof science.B.Responsibilityof scientists.(paras. 1-2)(paras. 3-6)(para. 7)The structure of the text Introduction to the topic (1-2) Three values of science (3-6) Duty of scientists (7) *When I was young,I thought science was _____. *During the war, I found science was obviously_____. *Is there some_____involved in science. useful serious evil 1._____ 2._____ 3._____ enable us to do and make all things. provide the intellectual enjoyment. enable us to doubt to declare the value of this freedom to teach how doubt is not to be feared but to be welcomed and discussed to demand this freedom as our duty to all coming generations LECTURE: Raise a question Give some advice Answer the question Argumentation Language Focus When I was younger, I thought science would make good things for everybody. It was obviously useful; it was good. But then during the war I worked on the atomic bomb. This result of science was obviously very serious --it represented the destruction of people and it put our future at risk. I had to ask myself, “Is there some evil involved in science 在我还很年轻的时候,我以为科学会给每个人都带来好处。科学显然是有用的;有好的一面。但随后在战争期间,我从事了原子弹的研究。这个科学的成果明摆着有很大的危险性———它意味着人的毁灭,并使我们的未来岌岌可危。我不得不扪心自问:“科学之中是不是也包含罪恶?” Para.1 6 involve vt. 包含,含有;牵涉,影响;(使)参加 involved adj. 作前置定语时,意为“复杂的”; 作后置定语时,意为“涉及的”。 involve sb. in (doing) sth. 把某人牵涉到某事; 让某人参与(做)某事 ... ...

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