

日期:2024-06-30 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:33次 大小:1028227Byte 来源:二一课件通
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五、听短文录音,选出正确的答案。短文读三遍。(10分】 2023一2024学年下学期阶段二随堂练习 )1.Where is Jack from A.The UK. B.Canada C.The USA. 三年级英语 )2.What does Jack do A.He is a teacher. B.He is a student. C.He is a doctor. ( 妹习时间:年月日综合等级评定(A.B、C,D): )3.How old is Jack A.He is eleven. B.He is twenty. C.He is eighteen. 讲评时间: 年月日书写等级评定(化、良、一般): )4.What does Jack look like 说明:拉师可报据学生答题情况、炼习难易双度和班领学情的情对学生进行等奴评定。 A.He is short. B.He is fat C.He is tall. )5 What does Jack like? 听力部分(40分) A.He likes bananas.B.He likes watermelons. C.He likes strawberries. 一、听录音,选择你所听到的选项。(5分) ( )1.A.car B.cap C.map 笔试部分(60分)】 ( )2.A.apples B.bananas C.grapes 六、选出与句子中画线部分发音相同的一项。(5分) )3.A.tall B.tail C.toy )1.The dog is on the table. A.orange B.no ( )4.A.ball B.bird C.boat ( )2.My grandpa has a big pig. A.milk B.rice )5.A.father B.friend C.family ( )3.I have a cap in my hand. A.cake B.apple 二、听录音,标序号。(5分】 )4.The pen is on the desk. A.leg B.she 扇 )5.The fun boy is under the bed. A.ruler B.run 七、根据图片和句意,从下列方框中选择正确的单词填空。(5分) A.big B.map C.mother D.twelve E.small 三、听录音,选答语。(10分) )1.She is Wu Binbin's )1.A.How are you B.Fine.thanks. C.Nice to meet you. ()2.AIts¥13. B.I have 13. C.I can 13. ( )3.A.My grandpa. B.My father. C.My mciner. )2.The elephant has two )4.A.Yes.I do. B.Yes.I can. C.Yes.I am. )5.A.Yes,it is. B.No.it don't. C.Yes.I am. 四、听录音,根据录音内容,判断是否与图片内容相符,相符的写“T”,不符的写“F”。 )3.That is a of China. (10分)】 )4.The father's head is 三年级第】页共页 三年级第2页共4页

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