
人教版(2019) 必修第一册 Unit 4 Natural Disasters Reading for Writing课件(共14张PPT)

日期:2024-09-27 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:10次 大小:33838718Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Reading for WritingNaturalDisasters!Unit 4 Lead in Para 1 _____ happened in Hebei before the earthquake, but people didn’t notice them. Para 2 The earthquake_____ Tangshan China at 3:42, 28 July 1976. strange things hit Lead in Para 3 The city was greatly _____ and nearly _____ Para 4 The _____ began soon after the quakes. Para 5 A new Tangshan _____ with the support of goverment and city’s people. damaged destroyed rescue revived Reading The Daily News 2.This passage is most likely to be taken from _____. newspaper 1. Find the main idea of this passage What’s the structure of this news report Headline (tells what happened) Byline (shows the reporter and date) read for the details scan for the details and fill in the blanks date time place event effect 1. It killed more than_____people. 2. Fishermen, tourists, hotels, homes and cars were_____by huge waves. 3. Foreign aid is being organised for tsunami-hit area. 4. However, dangerous_____ and damaged _____ will make foreign aid difficult to deliver food and supplies. 26 December, 2004 around 7:00 a.m. Asia tsunami 6,500 swept away conditions roads On _____, a _____ killed more than 6,500 tourists, fishermen and other locals in _____.Thousands of people are _____ and the number of deaths is expected to grow. The damage caused by the tsunami is making it difficult for rescue workers to _____. post reading try to retell the story 26 December, 2004 Asia tsunami missing help the survivors Date/time event place effect Pre-writing A summary is a short statement of main points. A summary paragraph tells the main ideas and the most important information of a longer passage. What’s a summary Steps of writing a summary 1/skim the text and scan the key information (table ) 2/write 4-5 sentences of only the most inportant points. *use correct tenses A good summary is short, true and fair. (客观、准确、公正;不渲染、不加入自己的主观评价或观点) A good summary is written in your own words and in a clear order that the original text is presented in. Writing task: Try to write a summary for the text on page 50. While-writing Organize the main points above and draft your summary. Pay attention to the following: 01 02 03 05 A summary should be around 80 words. Write down the key supporting points for the topic. Do not include unimportant details or examples Check your draft Does the summary include only the most important information of the text Is the summary the proper length Does the writer use correct tenses Are there any spelling or punctuation errors Does the summary give you a clear idea of what the test is about Summary An earthquake hit Tangshan, China on 28 July 1976. Before the earthquake, strange things happened in the countryside. More than 400,000 people were killed or injured in the earthquake. Nearly everything in the city was destroyed. After the quake,150,000 soldiers and more than 10,000 doctors and nurses and many workers were ... ...

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