
人教版(2019) 必修第三册 Unit 5 The Value of Money Reading and Thinking课件(28张PPT)

日期:2024-07-09 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:87次 大小:6161861Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 5 The Value of Money Reading and Thinking A introduction of this novel! Henry Adams who has surprisingly got a one-million bank note from the brothers Roderick & Oliver. Introduction From then on, he becomes a bright focus of the money-priority society. Later, the lucky young man experiences two sharply different treatments in the tailor shop. Introduction Served in cold contempt(轻蔑) at first but flattery(阿谀) soon after the large bank note is shown. Introduction People from every social class try every chance to show their friendship and flattery to the new millionaire. Introduction When his note was lost, people have become cold and cruel. But when he found the note, people became flattery again. Introduction Fortunately, Henry meets Potia and gain love from this beautiful woman. And gets a job from the two brothers. Happy ending! What a lucky man he is ! I wish I could be him! Learning Objectives By the end of this class, you will be able to: 1. identify some main elements of a play. 2. analyze the personalities of main characters according to their behaviors and lines. 3. act out some lines of the play. I’m James, a servant. I serve two brothers faithfully. One day, they saw a young man and asked him to come into the house. an American, penniless Can you infer his identity a _____ and ____ _____ businessman two _____ brothers and Englishmen wealthy lost penniless made a ____ bet American I wondered why my masters asked him to come in. Henry Roderick Oliver 1. What was the bet They wondered if a man could survive in London with a million bank note. 2. Why did my masters choose Henry to make the bet Because he was a poor young man, walking outside their house. had no money To make sure Henry was the best choice for this bet, my masters asked him some questions. his name know no one here his current situation to make sure that he was poor What questions did my masters ask And why 1. How do you do, Mr ... er ... 2. You’re an American 3. May we ask what you’re doing in this country and what your plans are 4. What sort of work did you do in America 5. If you don’t mind, may I ask you how much money you have to make sure that he was poor What kind of person was Henry Do you think he was a good choice for this bet -Well, I can’t say that I have any plans. -Well, to be honest, I have none. -I don’t want your charity. I just want an honest job. -Well, it may seem lucky to you but not to me. -Now, if you’ll excuse me, I think I’ll be on my way. -About a month ago, I was sailing, and towards night I found myself carried out to sea by a strong wind. honest straightforward/frank careless/risky polite quirky thoughtful -Would you step inside a moment, please Roderick and Oliver made a bet and gave Henry a million bank note. -May we ask what you are doing in this country and what your plans are What kind of the brothers are they How do you do, Mr ... er ... hopeful You’re Ameri ... ...

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