

日期:2024-06-30 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:48次 大小:482469Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2023-2024学年度第二学期学业质量监测试题 三年级英语 (时问:50分钟 总分:100分) Part I Listening第一部分 听力 瑞 共五大题 I.Listen and choose..(听录音,根据同学们谈论喜欢的水果, 选择正确图片。) )1. A. B. )2. B. 拟 )3. B. 输 )4. B. )5. B. II.Listen and number. (听录音,按照听到的顺序把同学们表演的排序。) 盈 铝 IIL.Listen and choose.(听录音,选出你听到同学们介绍的信息。) )1.A.Miss White is from Australia. B.Zhang Peng is from Shandong. )2.A.My brother is so tall. B.My sister is short. 舞 )3.A.The ruler is on the desk. B.The cap is in the box. ( )4.A.I like watermelons, B.I don't like grapes. )5.A.I have 16 crayons. B.We have twenty cars. 三年级英语议题弟1页共4页 IV.Listen and tick.(听录音,在同学们整理的玩具对应数量下面打“V”。) 文具 16 17 18 19 20 V.Listen and write.(听录音,帮助饲养员给这些动物的活动区域贴上英文名称。) Part II Reading and writing 第二部分读写 共五大题 于 VL.Count and match..(帮助动物园管理员核对一下动物的数量吧。) A.twelve 高思 7o11011::1, 2. ;+影 :k11 B.fourteen 115}111195,/ 11,1、00114eti949g 3. C.fifteen i157 三年级英语议题第2页共4页 容四日冠+总8出 4e5 D.eleven 器容等符 E.seventeen 5. T.Look,read and choos心.(看图,根据提示信息选择合适的句子完成对话。) )1 )2 ()3.E ()4. A.Where is my map B.Wu Binbin,this is Amy. Is it on the desk Nice to mect you.Where are you from Good guess! I'm from the UK. C.Look at the kites! D.Do you like watermelons Wow,so beautiful! No,I don't.I like bananas. VIL.Read and choose..(读歌谣,把元音发音相同的单词序号填入相应的横线。) A.fun B.hot C.big D,red E.fat Where is short a Here I am.Here I am.I'm in acat. Where is short e Here I am.Here I am.I'm in a_pen. Where is short i Here I am.Here I am.I'm in a pig. Where is short o Here I am.Here I am.I'm in a_dog. Where is short u Here I am.Here I am.I'm in a_ duck. 三年级英语试题第3页共4页

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