
【暑期衔接】2023-2024学年人教PEP版英语四升五暑假专题复习--02 用单词正确形式填空(含答案)

日期:2024-07-02 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:91次 大小:30069Byte 来源:二一课件通
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【暑期衔接】2023-2024学年人教PEP版英语四升五暑假专题复习--02 用单词正确形式填空(含答案) 1.Are (this) her pictures 2.The farmer (have) three dogs on his farm. 3.Let (I) make a hat. 4.They are yellow (carrot). 5.—Whose books are (this) —They’re (Mike). 6.—Are (this) cows —Yes, they are. 7.The goats love (eat) carrots. 8. (that) are hens. They’re so cute. 9.Mr White has a lot of (sheep) on the farm. 10.—Can I try (they / them) on —Sure. 11.Mr MacDonald has eighteen (horse) on the farm. 12.Today is (wind). We can fly kites. 13.It’s 6 o’clock. It’s time (for / to) dinner. 14.It’s cold and (snow / snowy) in Harbin. 15. (Mike) sweater is black and white. 16.My mother likes these yellow (short). 17. (her) has a new skirt. It’s cool. 18.It’s hot and (sun) outside. Put on your hat. 19.I love (wear) my blue socks. 20.This green skirt is (John). 21.These are Wu Binbin’s (pant). 22.Is the white shirt (you) 23.Those blue shoes (be) Jack’s. 24.—What are these —They are (green beans). 25.I’d like some (carrot) for lunch. 26.The cows love (eat) grass. 27.These are (potato). They are so big. 28.—Are these (tomato) —Yes, they are. 29.How about (go) for a picnic next week 30.The (nine) animal is the monkey. 31.It’s 26 (degree) in Nanchang. 32.Here (be) the world weather. 33.—What’s the weather like in Hangzhou —It often (rain). 34.It’s (sun) today. 35.The computer room is on the (two) floor. 36.It's hot and (sun) in Kunming. 37.It’s 4 o’clock. It’s time (go) home. 38.The red hat is hers and (my) is black. 39.--What does he have on the farm --He has five (horse). 40.—Can you help (I ) —OK. 41.Are those (cow) 42. (this) are all books about flowers. 43.Is this (your) 44.Put away (you) dress. 45.Whose socks are (this) 46.The pants are your (brother). 47. (Who) jacket is this 48.It’s on the (one) floor. 49.Whose (pant) are these 50.Do you have (a) art room 试卷第1页,共3页 试卷第1页,共3页 参考答案: 1.these 2.has 3.me 4.carrots 5. these Mike’s 6.these 7.eating/to eat 8.Those 9.sheep 10.them 11.horses 12.windy 13.for 14.snowy 15.Mike’s 16.shorts 17.She 18.sunny 19.wearing/to wear 20.John’s 21.pants 22.yours 23.are 24.green beans 25.carrots 26.eating/to eat 27.potatoes 28.tomatoes 29.going 30.ninth 31.degrees 32.is 33.rains 34.sunny 35.second 36.sunny 37.to go 38.mine 39.horses 40.me 41.cows 42.These 43.yours 44.your 45.these 46.brother’s 47.Whose 48.first 49.pants 50.an 答案第1页,共2页 答案第1页,共2页

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