
【暑期衔接】2023-2024学年人教PEP版英语四升五暑假专题复习--04 单词拼写(含答案)

日期:2024-07-02 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:55次 大小:1019137Byte 来源:二一课件通
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【暑期衔接】2023-2024学年人教PEP版英语四升五暑假专题复习--04 单词拼写(含答案) 选择与所给单词同类的一项,并正确占格写在四线格里,有一个选项是多余的。 uncle cloudy Moscow computer room second go 1.sunny windy snowy 2.come fly love 3.cousin aunt mum 4.New York London Singapore 5.library classroom playground 读单词,找出同类词。 A.lunch B.snowy C. jacket D.Moscow E. forty 6.twenty thirty 7.Singapore Sydney 8.windy cloudy 9.shirt sweater 10.dinner breakfast 根据汉语意思补全单词。 11.s c nd (第二) 12.br akf st (早餐:早饭) 13.c (母牛;奶牛) 14.sungla es (太阳镜) 15.ch p (花钱少的;便宜的) 词义辨析,选出与划线部分同类的单词。 A.shorts B.horse C. potato D.dinner E. pretty F. tomato G. cheap H. cow I. breakfast J. pants 16.It’s not expensive. ( ) 17.I have blue socks. ( ) 18.He has 20 sheep. ( ) 19.Carrot is yum. ( ) 20.It’s time for lunch. ( ) 选出与所给单词同类的选项,将序号写在横线上。 A.sunny B.music room C. PE class D.hot E. art class F. cold G. seven H. twelve I. cloudy J. library 21.cool 22.art room 23.English class 24.rainy 25.three 26.l nch (午饭) 27.fi st floor (一楼) 28.w ndy (多风的) 29.rai y (阴雨的) 30.libr ry (图书馆) 31.Read and write.读句子,根据图片补全单词。 My name is Caiwa. I have many friends in Shandon g this summer. Chenchen is a gl. Dan likes playing basketbl. Lulu can draw many pictures. She likes having t class. Cici likes to eat apps. Joe can ride a hse. 32. eat b 33. c 34. h 35. c r 36. g to b 37. c 38. old (寒冷的) 39.h t (热的) 40.cloud (多云的) 41.r iny (多雨的) 42.l nch (午餐) 43.cla (班级) 44.w (方法) 45.m s c (音乐) 46.d nner (正餐) 47.h rry (快点) 48. app 49. b d 50. wat 51. nse 52. bl 53. hse 54.teachers (所有格) 55.be careful (中文) 56.cold (反义词) 57.let’s (完全形式) 58.I (宾格) ai er a ar ff br 59. c rrot 60. acket 61. sc f 62. r ny 63. eakfast 64. teach s’ o ice 65. to ato 66. um ella 67. c t 68. w ndy 69. lun a e i o u 70. h n 71. s nglasses 72. gl ves 73. c rrot 74. w ndy tiger first people hamburger uncle fork nurse brother for bird 75.water: 76.horse: 77.girl: 78.table: 79.burn: 1. library 2.sunny 3. coat 4. playground 5. windy 6. green beans 7. hen 8. carrot 9. pants 10. cow 11. horse 12. shirt 13. art room 14. goat 15. snowy 16. noodles 17. rice 18. cloudy 19. sweater 20. teachers' office 80.animal 81.clothes 82.food 83.weather 84.place Read and sort. 按类别将词语抄写在四线格内。 library English classroom snowy warm art room cloudy music cool P.E. 85.School (学校): 86.Class (课程): 87.Weather (天气): 88.short (反义词) 89.he (对应词) 90.is (复数) 91.one (序数词) 92.metre (复数) 93.foot (复数) 94.o (我们的) 95.mo th (月份) 96.a (是) 97.s ow (雪) 98.be ide (在……旁边) 99.l ve (居住) 100.col ur (颜色) 101.ho (怎样) 102.wind (多风的) 103.m th (数学) 104.de k (书桌) 105. f k 106. b l 107. tab 108. dinn 109. g l 试卷第1页,共3页 试卷第1页,共3页 参考答案: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.E 7.D 8. ... ...

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