
【暑期衔接】2023-2024学年人教PEP版英语四升五暑假专题复习--05 阅读理解(含答案)

日期:2024-07-02 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:97次 大小:1932875Byte 来源:二一课件通
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【暑期衔接】2023-2024学年人教PEP版英语四升五暑假专题复习--05 阅读理解(含答案) 阅读下列短文,选择正确的选项。 Boys and girls, here are some opinions (观点) about “ “. Let’s have a look. Alice, 12, student I like shopping, but shopping with my mum is not good. She likes shopping for pretty clothes for me, but she can shop from the early morning to the late night. That’s too long. I like shopping with my friends. We buy yummy food and nice books together. It’s fun. Maria, 32, doctor I like shopping very much, but I have no time for shopping in shops. I go shopping in Taobao (淘宝). In Taobao, I can buy fresh food for my family, nice shirts for my father and funny toys for my kids. It helps me a lot. Jim, 45, cook I like shopping, and I go shopping every day. But I don’t like shopping for clothes. I go shopping for fresh vegetables, fruits and meat in the market. I can cook yummy food for people in my restaurant. How about you Do you like shopping Please tell us your opinions. 1.How many people show their opinions in the passage ( ) A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. 2.What does Alice buy with her friends ( ) A.Pretty clothes. B.Nice books. C.Funny toys. 3.Where does the doctor go shopping ( ) A.In the clothes shops. B.In Taobao. C.In the market. 4.Which one is right (正确的) ( ) A.The student likes shopping with her mum. B.The doctor has much time for shopping. C.The cook doesn’t like shopping for clothes. 5.Which one is the best to fill in the “_____” 文中 _____ 部分填入什么最恰当?( ) A.Who do you go shopping with B.Do you like shopping C.Where do you go shopping 本学期李明转入一所新学校,读一读,了解一下他的学校吧!按要求完成下列任务。 Look at my school! It’s an old building (建筑物). It’s not big but beautiful! There are three floors. The gym is on the first floor. It’s next to Classroom 1. The music room is on the first floor, too. It’s next to the science room. The teachers’ office is on the second floor. The art room is under the headmaster’s office. We have a big library. There are many books in it. It’s on the third floor. It’s between (在……之间) Classroom 4 and the headmaster’s office. Can you find the computer room Yes, it’s next to Classroom 4. My classroom is on the second floor. It’s under the library. I love my new school. 6.根据语篇内容,在下面平面图中找到房间的对应位置,将选项填入方框中。 A.Computer Room B.Gym C. Music Room D.Library E. Art Room 3F (third floor) Classroom 4 Headmaster’s Office 2F (second floor) Classroom 2 Teachers’ Office Classroom 3 1F (first floor) Classroom 1 Science Room 7.(1) Which classroom is Li Ming’s ( ) A.Classroom 1. B.Classroom 2. C. Classroom 3. (2) How does Li Ming like his new school ( ) A.It’s big. B.It’s beautiful. C. It’s a new building. 8.Where is your classroom (请结合实际,用英语描述你的教室在教学楼的位置) Read and choose. Chen Jie and Zhang Peng are talking in the WeChat. Zhang Peng Good morning, Chen Jie. Good morning, Zhang Peng. Today we d ... ...

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