
【暑期衔接】2023-2024学年人教PEP版英语四升五暑假专题复习--06 补全对话(含答案)

日期:2024-07-02 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:27次 大小:732991Byte 来源:二一课件通
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【暑期衔接】2023-2024学年人教PEP版英语四升五暑假专题复习--06 补全对话(含答案) 选择合适的句子补全对话,将其序号写在横线上(有一个选项是多余的)。 A: Mum, 1 B: It’s 11:30, Tom. A: Oh, it’s time for lunch. I’m hungry, Mum. B: Lunch is ready. A: 2 B: Fish and rice. We have no vegetables. 3 A: OK. Is it cool outside B: 4 A: What’s the weather like today B: 5 A: I can put on my T-shirt. A.What’s for lunch B.It is sunny and hot. C.No, it isn’t. D.What time is it now E.Let’s buy some vegetables after (在……后) lunch. F.You can’t go outside. 读对话,选择合适的内容完成对话。 Tim: 6 are my gloves, mum Mum: Are they on the bed Tim: No, they aren’t. Mum: 7 Tim: They are blue. Mum: Look! 8 Tim: Thanks, mum. 9 Mum: It’s 7:45. Tim: Oh, 10 Bye, mum. Mum: Bye! A.It’s time to go to school. B.Where C.What colour are they D.On the chair. E.What time is it 情景交际。阅读下列短文,根据情境完成对话。 It is Saturday (周六) morning. Sarah is in bed. Her mum comes in. Mum: Sarah, get up! Sarah: What time is it Mum: It’s 8:00. Hurry up! We will (将要) go to Uncle Li’s farm. Sarah: Great! 11 Mum: It’s on the sofa. Sarah: Thank you. Mum: Breakfast is ready. 12 Sarah: OK! 13 Mum: Sure. Here you are. Sarah: 14 Is it sunny outside Mum: Yes. 15 Sarah: OK! Let’s go. A.Where is my green dress B.Put on your sunglasses. C.Have some milk. D.Can I have some bread E.What’s the weather like 读一读Tom和妈妈的对话,选择正确的句子完成对话。 Tom: 16 Mum: It’s 10:30. It’s snowy and windy outside. Tom: 17 Mum: 18 Because it’s too cold outside. Tom: OK. …… Mum: It’s 12 o’clock. 19 Have some soup. Tom: Thank you, Mum. Mum: 20 It’s very hot. Tom: OK. Thanks mum. Mum: It’s sunny now. We can go outside and make a snowman in the afternoon. Tom: That sounds great. A.Be careful! B.Mum, what time is it C.No, you can’t. D.Lunch is ready. E.Can I go outside now Read and choose. 选择合适的句子补全对话。 (Lily and her mum are on the first floor. ) Saleswoman(售货员)A: 21 Mom: Yes, please. I’d like a shirt. 22 Saleswoman A: 23 Mom: Thank you. (Now Lily and her mum are on the second floor. ) Saleswoman B: Good afternoon. 24 Mom: Yes. Saleswoman B: How about this one Lily: It looks nice. 25 Saleswoman B: It’s 100 yuan. Mom: We’ll take it. A.How much is it B.Can I help you C.Where are the shirts D.Would you like a shirt E.They are on the second floor. 情景交际。 Tim是一名来自澳大利亚的交换生,Binbin正带着他参观他们的校园。 Binbin: Welcome to our school! Tim: Wow! 26 Binbin: Yes. And it’s very big, too. Tim: Cool! Where’s your classroom Binbin: 27 This way, please. Tim: It’s nice. 28 Binbin: Forty-two. Tim: Great! 29 Binbin: Yes, we do. It’s next to the gym. Let’s go! Tim: OK. 30 Binbin: Good idea! A.It’s on the second floor. B.Let’s play football together! C.Do you have a playground D.Your school is so beautiful. E.How many students are there in your class 根据上下文,从所给选项中选出正确答案,将对话补充完整,有一个多余选项哦。 Tom is visiting ... ...

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