
【暑期衔接】2023-2024学年人教PEP版英语四升五暑假专题复习--08 匹配题(含答案)

日期:2024-07-02 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:26次 大小:2449649Byte 来源:二一课件通
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【暑期衔接】2023-2024学年人教PEP版英语四升五暑假专题复习--08 匹配题(含答案) 读对话,选择对应的图片,将序号写在括号里。 A. B. C. D. E. 1.—Is this your schoolbag —No, it isn’t. It’s Zhang Peng’s. ( ) 2.—What are those —They’re horses. They are very strong. ( ) 3.—Is it hot in London —No, it isn’t. It’s cool now. ( ) 4.—Look at these pretty dresses. —Wow! They are expensive, too. ( ) 5.—Where is Sarah —She’s in the art room. ( ) 看图,选择相应的图片并完成单词。 A. B. C. D. 6.In London, it’s cl dy (多云的) and c ld (寒冷的). ( ) 7.In Beijing, it’s r ny (多雨的) and coo (凉爽的). ( ) 8.In New York, it’s w dy (多风的) and wa m (暖和的). ( ) 9.In Sydney, it’s s y (晴朗的). ( ) 位于世界各地的同学们在介绍自己的日常活动,请将对应图片的序号写在横线上。 A. B. C. 10.I am in London. It’s 12:00 noon now. It’s time for . 11.In New York, it’s 7:00 a.m. It’s time to . 12.I am in Beijing. It’s 8:00 p.m. It’s time to . 读一读,匹配。 A.The library is on the first floor. Let’s go to the library and read a book. B.It’s 9 a. m. Hurry up! It’s time for school. C. Is it cold in Moscow Yes, it is. It’s snowy here. D.I can put away my pants. Now they look nice and tidy. E. Those are goats. They have straight horns. They love to eat carrots. 13. ( ) 14. ( ) 15. ( ) 16. ( ) 17. ( ) 选出与所给中文意思相对应的英文句子。 A.It’s time to get up. B.I like walking. C. How’s the weather today D.When is the tiger show, do you know E. Do you like running 18.你知道什么时候有老虎秀吗?( ) 19.该起床了。( ) 20.你喜欢跑步吗?( ) 21.我喜欢散步。( ) 22.今天天气怎样?( ) 从方框中选择合适的选项。 A.It is a hot day. Four men are under a tree. They are blind. They cannot see. B.The fox is hungry and thirsty. He can see some grapes. C. The dog Henry likes his new friend. They play together. D.We have Art in the afternoon. Art is fun! I like painting. E. The man plays magic music. All the mice walk behind him. 23. ( ) 24. ( ) 25. ( ) 26. ( ) 27. ( ) A.Woman: What’s the weather like in London Man: It’s rainy. B.John: What time is it Liu Hong: It’s 3 o’clock. It’s time for PE class. C. John: This is the library. Sarah: That is the playground. D.Mum: Linlin! It’s time to get up. Hurry up! 28. ( ) 29. ( ) 30. ( ) 31. ( ) 选出下列句子划线部分与图片不符的一项。 32.It’s warm and sunny. I go to the zoo at 7 o’clock. ( ) A B C 33.I have English class at 9 o’clock. It’s cloudy and windy outside. ( ) A B C 34.It’s 10 o’clock. It’s rainy outside. We go to the gym to have PE class. The gym is on the first floor.( ) A B C 35.It’s 11 o’clock. It’s sunny again. It’s time to have lunch. ( ) A B C 36.It’s 4 o’clock. It’s cloudy and cool. We play football on the playground. ( ) A B C A.playground B.snowy C. have breakfast D.get up E. music class F. have maths class G. computer room H. have dinner I. go to school J. art class K. cloudy 37.( ) 38.( ) 39.( ) 40.( ) 41.( ) 42.( ) 43.( ) 44.( ... ...

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