ID: 20700630

Unit 9 What does he look like? (Section B 2a 2c)教案(含答案) 人教版英语七年级下册

日期:2024-10-20 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:27次 大小:17790B 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 9 What does he look like 第五课时(Section B2a-2c) 【教学目标】 1.阅读有关“介绍刑侦画像师的职业和经历”的文章,体会外貌描述在生活中的实际用途。 2.通过阅读,能说出文中的代词分别指代的内容,培养分析问题的能力。 【教学重点】 ★重点单词:artist(艺术家),crime(犯罪活动),criminal(罪犯),put(放),each(每个:各自),way(方式:路线),describe(描述),differently(不同地),another(另一个)end(结尾:尽头),real(真正的:真实的), ★重点短语:talk to(与…交谈),a picture of(...的图画),in the end(最后) ★重点句型: 1.The criminal is of medium height and young.He has long straight brown hair and big eyes.(这个罪犯是中等身高并且是年轻的。他留着长直的棕发,并且长着大眼晴。) 2.In the end,the real criminal is a short and heavy old man,.and he has short black hair.(最后,这个真正的罪犯是一个又矮又胖的老人,并且留着黑短发。) 【课前预习方案】 (一)小小翻译官。(请预习课文,将下列中文译成英文) 1.一份有趣的工作an interesting job 2.警察画家police artist 3.与...交谈talk to 4.罪犯criminal 5.看起来像look like 6...的图画a picture of 7.在报纸上in newspaper 8.在电视上on television 9.同一种方式he same way 10.同一个人the same person 11.中等身高medium height 12.年轻的young 13.长直的棕发long straight brown hair 14.大眼睛big eves 15.一个.另一个one...another 16.又高又瘦tall and thin 17.卷曲的金发curly blonde hair 18.最后in the end 19.又矮又胖short and heavy 20.黑短发short black hair (二)请在2a的表格中写出所给词的反义词,并添加更多的反义词。 (三)请读2b的短文,完成下列阅读任务。 1.观察右边的三幅图,并用你所学知识对图中人物的外貌特征进行描述。 Picture1 He is of medium height.He has long straight hair and big eyes. Picture2 He is tall and thin.He has short blonde hair and small eyes. Picture3 He is short and heavy.He has short black hair and big nose. 阅读短文,找出文中对这些人物的描述。完成下列表格 Picture1 He is of medium height and young.He has long straight brown hair and big eyes. Picture2 He is tall and thin.He has curly blonde hair.He is about thirty years old Picture3 He is a short and heavy old man,and he has short black hair. 3.根据课文内容在课本上圈出真正的罪犯图片。 【课堂活动方案】 活动一:师生快速核对2表格中的几对反义词,并让学生说出更多的反义词。 活动二:阅读训练。 1.请3名同学分别对图中的三个罪犯进行描述。 2.让学生朗读一遍课文。 3.另请3名同学分别说出文中如何对罪犯进行描述,并找出真正的罪犯图片。 4.师生共同理解短文内容。 活动三:小组活动。 1.以小组为单位,再读一遍课文。讨论文中的黑体单词分别指代什么内容,完成下列连线题 He the criminal It drawing a good picture Him people who see the criminal this. Joe Brown They the picture of the criminal he 2.师生共同核对答案并加强对带黑体单词的句子的理解。 【当堂评价方案】 ★完形填空。 Joe Brown is a police 1.Some people see the crimes and tell Joe2 the criminal looks like.Then Joe draws a picture of the criminal,and the police put it 3 newspaper and on television to find him.He wants to draw a good 4 of each criminal,but this job is sometimes difficult because people may describe the same person 5.Also.they don't remember 6. ... ...

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