ID: 20700903

Unit 9 What does he look like? Section B 1a-1e教学设计(表格式)人教版英语七年级下册

日期:2024-10-20 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:94次 大小:21375B 来源:二一课件通
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Unit9 What does he look like Section B 1a-1e Time : November 28, 2021 Class : Grade 7 Type of class : Listening and speaking I. Analysis of Teaching Content This material is from PEP Go for it Unit 9 What does he look like. The topic of this unit is to describe people’s looks. Students have learned some useful expressions in section A. The main goal of this class is to review them and learn how to use them. II. Analysis of the Students The teaching objects of this class is students in seventh grade. Students have a keen interest in learning English and strong desire for knowledge. Most of the students are active in class. Because of poor spoken English or lack of confidence, some students aren’t brave enough to express or share personal ideas in public. III. Teaching Objectives Knowledge objective: By the end of this class, students will learn some new words and phrases which can be used to describe people’s appearances, including wearing glasses, having blonde hair and so on. Students will also get to know some famous people, such as Jackie Chain.Johnny Dean,Tina Brown and so on. Ability objective: By the end of this class, students will be able to talk about their favorite idols with the following expressions: --Who is your favorite singer/athlete? --My favorite singer/athlete is… --What does he/she look like --He/She has/is … 3.Emotional objectives Students can have a better understanding of facial anxiety and become more confident about themselves. Students can understand the importance of group cooperation. 2)Students can build up confidence in learning English well and arouse their learning interest. IV.Key and Difficult Points Key point: 1)To help students master the new words and phrases. Difficult point: To guide students to apply the expressions to their daily conversations V.Teaching and Learning Strategies Teaching methodology: PWP model Teaching strategies: listening strategies VI.Teaching Aids Multimedia, audio,pictures and blackboards VII.Teaching Process Procedures Time allocation Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Justification Step1 Warming-up 1mins Greet the whole class / By greeting the whole class,teacher can judge their learning state. Step 2 Review and Lead-in 6mins Review the last class by asking some questions. 2.Play a game with students. (in page 52 lb) 1.Answer questions. Have a brainstorm: guess the names of famous people according to the hint. To review what they learned before. 2.Brainstorming can help arouse students’ learning interest. Step3 Pre- listening 8mins 1.Teach new words and phrases by showing some pictures about them. 2.Organize students to make a prediction about the topic. 1.Learn the meaning and usage of some words and read after teacher. 2.Make a prediction about the topic by some given hints, such as words and phrases just referred. The above activities can help students recognize the new words, remove the barriers, and lay the foundation for the next step of learning Step3 While-lis ... ...

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