
2024年暑假牛津译林版英语八年级上册Unit 4 Unit 4 Do it yourself Comic strip预习讲义(含答案)

日期:2024-07-03 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:12次 大小:25147Byte 来源:二一课件通
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暑期预习—Unit 4 Do it yourself Comic strip & Welcome to the unit 知识点: Here are clear instructions. 这里有清楚的说明。 instruction 可数名词,意为“指示,说明”,通常用复数形式instructions. Always read the instructions before you start. 2. What's DIY exactly, Suzy DIY确切地说是什么,苏西 exactly 副词,意为“确切地,精确地”。其形容词为exact,意为“确切的,精确的”。 His answer is exactly right. 3. It stands for “do-it-yourself” . 它代表“自己动手做”。 stand for 意为“代表,象征”。 The dove stands for peace. 鸽子象征着和平。 4. you make, repair or decorate things yourself instead of paying someone to do it.....你自己制作、修补或装饰东西,而不是付钱让某人做这些(事情) 【辨析】repair, fix, mend三个词都含有“修理、修补”的意思,有时可以通用,但也有些区别。 1)repair的对象范围很广,从房屋、道路、机器到日常生活必需品,是使受到一定损坏或失灵的东西恢复其形状或功能。 2)mend的意思是恢复某物原来的样子(包括用针、线来缝补),一般指较小之物。 3)fix用于需要重新“调”物体的结构,把松散的部件固定结实,将分离的物体各部分装配起来。用于美国口语中,与repair无多大区别。 decorate此处作及物动词,意为“装饰”。 decorate sth.with...意为“用...装饰某物”。 We usually decorate our walls and windows with paper cutting at the Spring Festival. [辨析] instead of与instead instead of 介词短语,意为“而不 是,代替” 后接名词、代词或动名词作宾语,一般置于句首或句中,否定of后的内容。 instead 副词,意为“反而,代替” 常用于句首或句末,位于句首时其后常用逗号,肯定instead所在句的内容。 5. I enjoy making something new.我喜欢制作新东西。 形容词修饰复合不定代词要后置something new意为“新的事物”,其中something 是不定代词,new是形容词,形容词修饰something,anything,nothing等不定代词时要后置。 I have something important to tell you. 同步练习 一、根据句意、汉语释义和首字母写出单词 1. The book was _____ (曾经) famous. But nobody reads it today. 2. Some students in my class are _____ (着迷的) about playing football. 3. Many _____ (可怕的) traffic accidents happen because of careless riving. 4. Nowadays, many parents make their children _____ (参加) different lessons at weekends. 5. My teacher told us to make a paper box without using any g_____ or t_____ . 二、短文缺词填空 One day Eddie bought Hobo a new 1. _____ . It was in a paper box. Hobo was very 2. _____, but he didn't know how to put the house together. Eddie asked Hobo to read the 3. _____ first. Hobo did what he said. Then, Eddie told Hobo to get some 4. _____ . Hobo rushed out and soon came back with a hammer. "Now we can 5. _____ to work," he said. But Eddie said "no". He didn't want to do 6. _____. Why He pointed to the box. There was a word in it. It 7. _____ for "do-it-yourself. " Eddie wanted Hobo to put the house together by 8. _____ ! 三、任务型阅读 阅读下面的短文, 根据文中信息完成文后表格。 (每空一词) Taking good notes is a time-saving skill that will help you to become a better student in several ways. First,writing something down makes it easier for you to understand. Second,your notes are excellent materials to go ov ... ...

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