
2015-2016学年高一英语上册同步课件:Module 4 上海新世纪版必修一Unit 7 Metropolises(4份打包)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:41次 大小:8016629Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件16张PPT。Welcome to our class Unit 7 metropolises课文内容及重点词汇复习In the 19th century, a businessman predicted that New York was going to become the centre of the world. 在19世纪,一位商人曾预言纽约将成为世界的中心。 predict v. 预言;预告,预报 prediction n. e.g. predict one’s future 预言某人的未来 她的预言证明是正确的。 Her prediction turned out to be correct.His prediction has partly come true. 他的预言已部分实现。 come + adj. 变成,达到(某种状态), (注意这里的come是系动词) e.g.你的理想总有一天会实现。 Your dream will come true some day. 当我们再次尝试时就容易些。 It came easy when we tried again. go + adj. 变得,成为 go white/ wrong/ bad/ sour/ mad… Today, New York is often regarded as one of the financial and cultural capitals of the Western World. 现在纽约常常被看作是西方经济和文化大都会之一。 be regarded as… 被认为是…,被看作是… 类似的结构还有: be remembered as, be thought of / considered as…, be treated as… be described as…e.g. 人们普遍认为这位年轻人是该镇上最有希望的画家之一。 The young man is generally regarded as one of the most promising painters in his town. financial adj. 金融的,财政的 ———> finance n. cultural adj. 文化的 ———> culture n. 类似的: traditional adj. 传统的 ———> tradition n. agricultural adj. 农业的 ———> agriculture n. commercial adj. 商业的 ———> commerce n. social adj. 社会的 ———> society n.New York, where the world-famous twin towers of the World Trade Center were once located, is known as a city of skyscrapers. 纽约以摩天大楼之城而闻名,曾经闻名于世的世贸中心双子大楼曾坐落在此。 be known as…以...知名 伦敦曾以雾都出名。 London was once known as a city of fog. be (well) known to … 为某人熟知 这位歌手广为年轻的一代所熟知。 Angela is well known to the young generation.well-known = famous adj. 有名的,熟悉的 be known for…:因…而著名 (= be famous for) e.g.苏州以园林而著称。 Suzhou is known for the gardens.vocabularyStill, the fast, exciting pace of life in New York City is fascinating and this may be a reason why the city continues to fascinate more and more people. 但纽约快速而令人激动的生活节奏仍是非常迷人的,也许正是这个原因才使得这座城市继续使越来越多的人为之着迷。 pace n. 步速,步伐walk at a quick pace 步伐很快 keep pace with sb / the times 跟上时代的步伐/与时俱进 the fast pace of modern life 现代生活的快节奏 fascinating adj. 迷人的 fascinate v. 吸引 fascination n.吸引力,魅力 continue to do / doing sth 继续做某事At that time, many Londoners did not expect that their city would change for the better. 当时许多伦敦人认为他们城市的这种状况不会好转了。 except引导的宾语从句有否定的意思,但从句不用否定形式,而将expect变成否定形式,类似动词还有 “ think, guess, suppose, believe, hope, etc.” e.g. 我们预料你不来了。 We didn't expect you would come. 你觉得他不会通过考试,是吗? You don’t suppose he will pass the exam, do you? change for the better/worse 变好/变坏 我们都希望天气很快会放晴。 We all hope the weather will change for the better.语言知识的学习However, heavy fog is now rar ... ...

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