

日期:2024-07-03 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:81次 大小:616552Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 语 法(一) 期末复习专题 一、 根据句意或句子的语法要求,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填 空。 1. As soon as clothes (raise), the volunteers sent them out to the elderly people in the village. 2. — Wow, you’ve made such great progress in dancing. — Thank you. I (take) several online courses this summer vacation. were raised  took  一 二 3. Each of us (have) a life goal, which will guide us to a bright future. has  4. — Were you required (study) when you returned home? — Yes. My parents are strict with me. 5. — Uncle Wang promised that he (attend) my birthday party, but he didn’t show up. — That’s Uncle Wang. He forgets everything! 6. Sometimes the doctors are too busy (save) sick people to have a good rest. How kind they are! to study  would attend  saving  一 二 7. This work needs close teamwork. Nothing (achieve) unless we work well together. 8. Many research labs (build) in the next 5 years to develop science and technology in China. 9. Young girls are crazy about using apps to make photos much (pretty). 10. He had his computer (fix) shortly after it broke down. will be achieved  will be built  prettier  fixed  一 二 11. — How can I improve my pronunciation? — Keep on (practise) and you’ll make progress. 12. — Have you tasted dumplings, a kind of traditional Chinese food? — Sure. It’s said that a lot of dumplings (make) at the food factory twenty days ago. practising  were made  一 二 13. — We (hold) a party to celebrate the Spring Festival next Sunday, shan’t we? — Good idea. 14. If you don’t know about this matter very well, you had better (keep) silent. 15. The exam is over! Why not (go) to the movies and relax? shall hold  keep  go  一 二 二、 单项选择。 ( C )1. — Why are you so sure that Toby will pass the exam? — Toby is hard-working,     he will certainly surprise us in the end. A. or B. if C. so D. but C 一 二 ( B )2. — Mum, can I have the pink skirt and the white T-shirt?I like them very much. — Sorry. They cost too much, but you can choose     the skirt     the T-shirt. A. both; and B. either; or C. neither; nor D. not only; but also B 一 二 ( A )3. I don’t know if it     sunny tomorrow. If it     sunny, I will go fishing. A. will be; is B. is; will be C. will be; is going to be D. is; is ( C )4. Thanks to the use of 5G technology, ways of communication     a lot. A. improves B. has improved C. have improved D. will improve A C 一 二 ( B )5. — How time flies! We’ll graduate from middle school this weekend! —     we have to say goodbye, I will remember our friendship forever. A. Because B. Although C. Unless D. Until ( A )6. — What will you do then? — I will telephone the police and complain about it     the noise stops soon. A. unless B. though C. because D. if B A 一 二 ( A )7. — Look! The man at the gate ... ...

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