
人教新目标(Go for it)版七年级下册Unit 6 I'm watching TV. Section A 1a-1c 教学设计(共1课时)

日期:2024-09-14 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:92次 大小:20698Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 6 I’m watching TV. Section A 1 (1a-1c) 一、Teaching aims: 1) Words and expressions:newspaper, read a newspaper, use, soup, make soup ,wash, movie, go to the movies. 2) Sentences. ① —What are you doing —I'm watching TV. ② —What's he doing —He's using the computer. ③ —What are they doing —They're listening to a CD. 3) Grammar:Present Progressive Tense. 4) Learn to talk about what people are doing. 二、Key and difficult points 1. Key points: 1)Master important words and expressions. 2)How to use Present Progressive Tense. 2. Difficult points: The differences between Present Progressive Tense and Simple Present Tense. 三、Teaching Process Step I: Greetings. T:Good afternoon, boys and girls. Ss: Good afternoon, teacher. Step II: T shows the best homework on the screen and ask Ss to learn from them. Step III: Show the learning goals. To learn to talk about what people are doing: —What are you/they doing — I’m/They’re watching TV. — What is he/she doing — He’s/She’s washing the dishes. Step IV: Lead-in Welcome to Happy House. One day , a thief came to Happy House,he wanted to steal some money.People are worried. So they called the policeman.Can you help the policeman to find the thief. Let`s turn on the lights to find what people are doing and if there is a thief . T:What`s he/she doing Is there a thief here Ss:He is talking on the phone.No,there isn`t a thief. T:What`s he/she doing Is there a thief here Ss:He is using the computer.Yes,there is a thief.Because there are there hands. So the third hand must be the thief`s. Step V: Presentation T:What tense is it Ss: The present progressive tense 定义:表示现在(说话瞬间)正在进行的动作 构成:be +doing. 标志词:look,listen,now. 2.Work on 1a. Ss read the activities and look at the pictures. Then match the activities with pictures. 1. watching TV __ 2. cleaning __ 3. reading a newspaper __ 4. talking on the phone __ 5. listening to a CD __ 6. using the computer __ 7. making soup ___ 8. washing the dishes __ 9. exercising ___ 3. Check the answers with the Ss. 4.Listening.Work on 1b. 1). Now let’s listen to the tape, and find out the right activities from 1a. a. Jenny ___ b. John ___ c. Dave and Mary ___ 2). Ss listen to the recording and write the numbers from 1a and complete the sentences. Jenny is _____ TV. John is _____ the dishes. Dave and Mary are _____ to a CD. 3). Ask the Ss to speak out what the person is doing in the pictures given by the teacher. Step VI:Pair work 1. Ask the Ss to read the conversations in 1c with a partner. Then look at the pictures in 1a. and make conversations about other persons in the picture. 2. Ss make conversations by themselves and practice the conversations. A: What’s … /What are they doing B: … is/ They are... Step VII: Guessing game T shows a picture that you can`t see clearly and ask the students to guess what people are doing. Step VIII. Role-play 1. Ask Ss to role-play the conversation with partners. 2. Let some pairs to act out the con ... ...

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