

日期:2024-07-05 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:30次 大小:39250Byte 来源:二一课件通
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辽宁省大连市第十二中学2022-2023学年高一下学期6月份学情反馈英语试卷 一、阅读理解 DREAMING OF A NEW OFFICE Are you undisturbed by the chill of the Antarctic winds Can you adapt to near-constant daylight, subzero temperatures and no flushing toilet (抽水马桶) or running water Ready to take on the challenges of living and working in one of the most remote corners of the Earth The UK Antarctic Heritage Trust invites passionate individuals to join our team at Base A on Goudier Island, Antarctica. As a member of our elite team, you’ll manage a museum, post office, and gift shop as well as conducting penguin counts. You will live and work at Base A at Port Lockroy on Goudier Island, which is about the size of a football pitch. Imagine waking to breathtaking landscapes, surrounded by curious penguins and the vast expanse of untouched wilderness. This is not just a job — it’s an expedition, a chance to make history while living among the impressive beauty of Antarctica. Applicants must possess resilience, physical fitness, and environmental awareness. Training will begin in August, ahead of the working period from late October or November until March, 2025. Interview s and selection events will be conducted to ensure the best fit for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Join us in our mission to preserve Antarctica’s rich heritage and contribute to global conservation efforts. Apply by 25 April at jobs @ ukaht. Org and become part of an adventure that will leave you forever changed. 1.What’s the challenge of the advertised positions A.Extreme heat. B.Total darkness. C.Tough working conditions. D.Drinking water shortage. 2.What might be the duty of those selected A.Counting penguins. B.Maintaining a football field. C.Opening a gift shop. D.Appreciating the scenery. 3.How long will a successful applicant work there A.5 months or so. B.Less than 3 months. C.About 13 weeks. D.Around 7 months. Those who are already exhausted by 2021 — and well, all of 2020 — can get some relief by calling a hotline and screaming. “Just Scream!” a hotline created by elementary school teacher Chris Gollmar, aims to reduce tension for those needing to release their feelings. All you have to do is call the hotline and scream as loud as you want, and for as long as you want—and then hang up. “I wanted to find a way that people would respond to and screaming seemed to be a good fit!” Gollmar spoke of his creative project, which he came up with in September 2020. He said he thought it would be funny and unique to create a phone line just for screaming. After people dial in, their calls are recorded and put on the website Gollmar created. “Why should I call you ” the website asks. “To scream! You might be unhappy, terrified, or frustrated. All of these are perfectly good reasons to call and record yourself screaming.” Personal phone numbers are not stored, and all calls go to an answering machine — so communicating with a real person isn’t required. Acc ... ...

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