
名校教研联盟2023-2024学年高二年级6月月考 英语(含解析,含听力原文及音频)

日期:2024-07-03 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:57次 大小:9873415Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    绝密★启用前 英语参考答案 第一部分 听力 1—5 CABAB 6—10ACBAB 11—15ABCBC 16—20 BCACA 听力录音文本 Text 1 M: I’m really tired of working in front of the computer. And my manager is really annoying. W: Why not quit your job and become your own boss Text 2 W: Oh, my goodness. The strong wind almost blew my hat off. M: I guess wind speeds have reached force five. The weather forecast said there would be heavy snow tonight. W: Oh, I really miss the sunny days. Text 3 W:Alan Long time no see! I’m Julia. M: I guess you must have got mixed up. I’m Ethan. W: It’s really awkward. My friend looks like you. M: He must be handsome. Text 4 M: Have you heard that our basketball team won the final match W: Who I never pay attention to sports. M: Our school basketball team. I’m extremely excited! Text 5 W: I’d like a cup of coffee. What about going to the café on the corner M: The prices there are high. I heard Miracle Café is good. W: Is it near us M: Yeah. I’ll go with you. Text 6 M: How do you like your job here, Marie W: It’s interesting. I like talking to writers. I can meet lots of interesting people. M: I’m happy to hear that, but publishing is more than just talking to writers. It involves a lot of work, patience and responsibility. Most of our work is dull. W: I don’t feel bored at all. I’m getting on with my colleagues. I really enjoy working with them. People are great in our office. M: That’s great. You might have many opportunities to grow in our company as long as you do well. W: Brilliant! Text 7 英语参考答案 第 1 页 (共 9 页) W: Excuse me. Are there any other double rooms available from tonight until Saturday morning M: Let me see. It is Wednesday today…. I’m sorry, there won’t be a double room open until next Monday. We do have a single room with a queen-size bed. Would that be suitable W: That’s fine. I can accept that. How much is it per night M: It’s $75 per night. And you have to pay $225 for three nights. W: Does it have a window facing the courtyard I find a street-side room will cause me to lose sleep. M: Yes, we have that available, although it’ll be an extra $10 charge every night. Is that fine with you W: Yes, that’s okay. Text 8 M: What do you think of half-day kindergarten for Stacey W: We could try it for the first few weeks and see if she likes it. M: I just think it will be a little difficult for her to be away from home for so long right away. W: You have a good point. She hasn’t really ever been away from home for more than a few hours. M: I think she is really going to like her teacher though. W: Yes, they seemed to click at the meeting the other day. M: Did you happen to notice if she was interested in any of the other kids W: No, but I did notice that she was very interested in the art supplies! Text 9 W: Hey, Tim. My dad got me two tickets for Taylor Swift’s concert. He told me I could ask a friend to go with me, because he has to deal with business in Globe Theater then. M: Wow! That’s something y ... ...

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