
五年级上英语课件-unit7 What time do you get up-湘少版

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:91次 大小:1695781Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件29张PPT。 Unit 7 What time do you get up ?Can you count from 1 to 10?one two three four five six seven eight nine ten Can you count from 11 to 20?eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twentyHow to read these numbers? 8 12 15 20 30eighttwentythirtyfifteentwelve几点钟了?该怎么问呢?该怎么回答呢?1.What time is it ? 几点了? 2.What's the time ,please? 请问,是什么时候了呢? 3.时间的读法: 先读小时,再读分钟,碰上整点得加o'clock,如是半小时还可以用half past加小时!!! eg: It’s seven o’ .clock7:00What time is it?It’s 7 :15seven-fifteenWhat time is it?It’s 7 :30seven-thirtyWhat time is it?It’s 1 :30one-thirtyWhat time is it?half past one It’s 4 :30What time is it?half past four It’s 6 :30What time is it?half past six get up 起床I get up at 6 :50.go to bedI go to bed at 9:30 p.m.computer lessonart PEphysical educationmusic mathsSentences: 1.--Hi, can I ask some questions? --Yes. 2.--What time do you get up? -- I get up at 6: 50. 3.--What time do you have breakfast? --I have breakfast at 7 o'clock. 4.--What time do you go to school? --I go to school at 7:30. 5.--What time do you have English? --I have English at 9:20. 6.--What time do you go home? --I go home at 4:00 p.m.7.--What time do you go to bed? --I go to bed at 9:30 p.m. 8.--Here you are. This timetable is about your day.Grammerhave breakfast 吃 have English 上(课) go to bed 去睡觉 go to school 去学校 go home 回家 ask some questions 问一些问题6:50go home have English go to schoolhave breakfastget up9:207:307:004:00 p.mMy day! 9:30 p.mgo to bedtimetableWhat about you ? What time do you get up ?PracticeReaddrive 开车 in his office 在办公室 after that在那之后 letter信 begin 开始 in the dinning hall 在食堂,在餐厅 have a rest 休息 again 又,再 whole整个的 till 直到 minute 分钟 hard 努力的,硬的 usually经常 Homework: 1.Design your ideal day! (设计你理想的一天) Then give a report next time. 2.抄写单词4遍,默写1遍; 3.坚持每天朗读10分钟,复习旧知识,预习新知识; 4.完成练习册,更正作业 See you next class!Time is money.一寸光阴一寸金

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