
【暑假衔接】2023-2024学年暑假七升八外研版第五讲 复习Module 9-10 任务型阅读专练(含答案)

日期:2024-07-03 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:27次 大小:24250Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2023-2024学年暑假七升八外研版 复习Module 9-10+任务型阅读专练 【复习Module9-10】 一、单项选择 1.Tom’s old computer ran fast five years ago, but little by little it _____ really slow. A.looked B.became C.stayed D.grew 2.—What’s the _____ today, Mille —It’s September 9th. A.month B.time C.date D.year 3.Everyone may have a chance to be _____ if he tries his best. A.successful B.silly C.meaningless D.upset 4.Sally is good at writing. She wants to be a good _____ in the future. A.dancer B.writer C.scientist D.worker 5.As students, we can’t _____ late for class, and we can’t eat in class. A.leave B.arrive C.miss D.show 6.You’d better have a break to _____ yourself after a long time of learning. A.guess B.teach C.relax D.complete 7.The movie I saw last night is so _____ that I want to watch it a second time. A.wonderful B.meaningless C.natural D.boring 8.She looks _____ because she has a _____ vacation. A.excited; excited B.exciting; excited C.exciting; exciting D.excited; exciting 9.I don’t like fall behind _____ students. A.the other B.the others C.others D.another 10.I didn’t have _____ story books when I was young. A.too much B.much too C.too many D.many too 二、单词拼写 11.—What happened to Maggie —There was a _____ (火灾) in her house last night. 12.These _____ (诗歌) are really beautiful, aren’t they 13.—When did your father _____ (结婚) your mother —In the 1990s. 14.As a swimming player, Sun Yang becomes _____ (成功的). 15.He _____ (撰稿) for a newspaper. 16.Betty _____ (到达) in Pairs two days ago. 17.What was the _____ (日期) the day before yesterday 18.I was so _____ (兴奋) when I heard the good news. 19.We _____ (看见) the homes of the movie stars at last. 20.He _____ (花费) 100 yuan on a ticket last week. 三、适当形式填空 21.Our friends met us and _____ (drive) us to their home. 22.They like _____ (relax) at home at weekends. 23.Tourists like to take _____ (photo) of themselves. 24.We also did some _____ (shop). 25.In the evening we had dinner in a _____ (France) restaurant. 26.Most people know Jackie Chan is a famous _____ (act). 27.My aunt and her husband got _____ (marry) last year. 28.I hope your new product will be very _____ (success). 29.Lisa wants to be a _____ (write) like Guo Jingming. 30.I _____ (meet) my first teacher on my way home yesterday. 【任务型阅读专练】 四、任务型阅读 (一)阅读下面短文, 完成短文后的问题。 Long long ago, there lived a king under the sea. He had six mermaid (美人鱼) daughters, and the youngest was the Little Mermaid. She often swam up to see the outside world. One night, the Little Mermaid swam up to the surface (水面) again. Suddenly she heard a young man calling for help. She saved him and took him to the beach. The young man was a handsome prince (王子), so the Little Mermaid fell in love with him. Then she saw a beautiful girl walking to them, the Little Mermaid had to leave for the sea because she had no legs. When ... ...

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