
牛津译林版八年级上册Unit 4 Do it yourself习题课件(打包7份)

日期:2024-07-03 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:16次 大小:848094Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 第1课时 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit Unit 4 Do it yourself 一、 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。 1. My father was busy (repair) the old chair yesterday afternoon. 2. — How many (brush) are there on the floor?  — Ten. repairing  brushes  一 二 三 四 3. We have lots of things to discuss. But I think we should discuss the most important thing (one). 4. Amy put the key in the lock. It was (exact) the right size. first  exactly  二、 单项选择。 ( C )1. (2023·南通市海门区期中)Do you know the letters PRC    ———People’s Republic of China”? A. care about B. look through C. stand for D. work out ( B )2. After a long walk in the sun, they wanted to drink     . A. cold something B. something cold C. nothing cold D. something wrong C B 一 二 三 四 ( C )3. — The weather report says there’s a chance of showers this afternoon. — Really? We’d better     now, just in case. A. to leave B. leaving C. leave D. left ( D )4. To reduce air pollution(污染), we should ride more often instead of     . A. drive B. drives C. to drive D. driving C D 一 二 三 四 ( B )5. Here     a pair of     . You can use them. A. are; scissors B. is; scissors C. are; scissor D. is; scissor ( B )6. — Could you help me carry the equipment(器材) to the basketball field, Robin? —     I’ll do it at once. A. Not at all. B. No problem. C. Wait a moment. D. That’s right. B B 一 二 三 四 三、 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选 项。选项中有一项为多余选项。 A. If you want to drink iced milk tea without waiting, you’ll need to add more ice. B. The colour of light brown means the tea is ready. C. On the other hand, they can enjoy the happiness from it and get the sense of success. D. Try not to add too much. E. It’s difficult for us to make a cup of milk tea. F. People have different choices depending on their tastes. 一 二 三 四 教材未涉及的新课标词汇 boil v. 煮沸;(使)沸腾;烧开 Have you ever drunk “the first cup of milk tea in autumn”? Milk tea is enjoyed by most young people. There are so many milk tea shops around every street. 1. There is bubble milk tea(珍珠奶茶), house milk tea(招牌奶茶) and iced milk tea. But it is also a good idea to make a cup of milk tea by hand at home. Today DIY is very popular with young people. On the one hand, people can experience the process of doing something and express their own ideas by DIY. 2. F  C  一 二 三 四 It’s time to make iced milk tea. First, prepare things you need. They are milk, black tea, sugar or honey and some ice. Then, boil the black tea until the water turns light brown. 3. Add some ice, and it will melt and bring the tea down to room temperature. Next, pour the milk into the tea, and mix them up. After that, add sugar or honey to adjust(调 整) the taste. 4. Put the milk tea in the fridge. 5. Finally, add something else you like. No ... ...

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