ID: 20722123

Unit 4 Where's my schoolbag? Section B 2a-2c 课件(共20张PPT,内嵌音频)

日期:2024-10-22 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:81次 大小:30813671B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit4 Where’s my schoolbag Section B 2a-2c Where are the things The computer game is on the sofa. The books are on the table. The model plane is in the bookcase. The jacket is on the floor. The clock is under the chair. The Books are on the floor. The computer is on the desk. The tapes are under the desk. Are all the rooms tidy untidy tidy untidy untidy We should keep our rooms tidy. Pre-reading Who are they Are they friends Are they classmates The two girls are Kate and her sister Gina. Skimming Read the passage and answer the questions. Is Kate tidy Is Gina tidy Yes, she is. No, she isn’t. 中心句一般在文章的开头或结尾。中心句可以告诉我们文章大意。 Topic Sentence Scanning Complete the chart about the things Kate and Gina have and where they are. books and tapes keys clock in the bookcase in the schoolbag on the desk books model plane keys, ruler, schoolbag everywhere under the desk don’t know Answer: _____ Kate’s… is/are…. Topic Sentence Kate Gina tidy untidy Scanning Topic Sentence Read the passage again and analyze (分析). Things Where supporting details Kate Gina A:有时 B:总是 Kate and Gina’s Kate’s and Gina’s [a (r)] [' lwe z] S表示:A. 复数 B. 动词第三人称单数形式 Scanning Read and think. why connect! (连接) 1.解释 Scanning Read and think. 2.转折 3.并列 Retelling Kate Gina Things Where Kate is tidy, but Gina is not. in the bookcase in the schoolbag on the desk everywhere under the desk don’t know Topic Sentence supporting details Conclusion Who do you want to be I want to be… because… Good habits are the keys to all success. Post-reading If you are Gina, please put the things in order(摆放整齐), and fill in the blanks. I’m Gina, and my sister is Kate. Kate’s tidy, _____now I’m tidy, too. In our room, Kate’s books and tapes are in the bookcase. In the schoolbag are keys. She has a clock. It’s on the desk. My books are _____ . The white model plane is_____ . It’s ___ the desk. My keys are _____. My ruler is _____ , and my schoolbag is on the chair. How_____ our room is now! and her in the bookcase mine on in the schoolbag in the pencil box tidy tidy, her , in the pencil box, mine, and, in the bookcase, on , in the schoolbag Group Work Design your dream room with the picture. Every group designs a room. Discuss(讨论) in groups. Choose a student to report(报导). Structure(结构) I am... My room is small but tidy. / I have a nice and tidy room. In my room, you can see ... …is/are on/in/under.... I have ... On/In/Under... is/are ... ... is mine. I like my room very much. What about yours Write down your dream rooms. Thank You

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