

日期:2024-07-03 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:42次 大小:12188155Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    英语试题 参考答案: 第一部分 听力 (20分) 1—5 AACAB 6—10 CBCAB 11—15 ABBCC 16—20 BABCA 第二部分 阅读(50分) 21-23 DBA 24~27 BCDA 28-31 CBDA 32-35CDDA 36-40 CDGAF 第三部分 语言运用(30分) 第一节 (15分) 41-45BDADC 46-50 DBACB 51-55ACDBA 第二节(15分) 56.autonomous 57.locals 58.from 59.returning 60.meaning 61.shown 62.that/which 63.doubled 64.has helped 65.a 第四部分 写作(40分) 第一节 One possible version: When it comes to the future career, I have been dreaming of becoming a lawyer since childhood. To achieve my dream, I must work diligently for the time being to have a good command of knowledge. Only through hard work can I be admitted to my ideal university where I will major in law. Besides, I should also build myself up, which is the basic condition for my progress in study. In short, I hope my efforts today will pay off next year and I can have a bright future and a meaningful life! 第二节 One possible version: My cousin had to repeatedly remind me to keep patient. He taught me how to adjust my pole based on the movements of the fish and how to determine the best time to lift the pole when a fish was on the hook. Under his guidance, I calmed down gradually, staying focused to wait patiently. Then suddenly, I felt a jerk of my pole. A surge of thrill sweeping over me, I pulled the fishing pole out of water and I caught my first fish! So excited was I that I even gave a jump in the air. It was a small one, but it was a milestone for me! When we finally left the lake, I had caught three fish! Thrilled and fulfilled, I skipped all the way home with my cousin, telling him it was a pity that I had been missing out on so much by avoiding this simple outdoor activity before. Since then, I have become a passionate fisherman and love spending time outdoors, appreciating the simple pleasure of life. Fishing has taught me to be patient and persistent and most importantly, it has also taught me a lesson that we should not miss out on these opportunities just because they are simple or just we do not know how to do them well. 听力原文 Text 1 W: For those of you working by yourselves, I expect two pages. (1) For those working in groups, three to four pages...yes, Tommy M: Do we need to type the reports Text 2 W: Hey, there. I run through this park every day. (2) I always see you sitting here on the same bench. M: I’ve lived in this area for a long time. I come and feed the ducks every day. Text 3 W: This morning, I was able to shower, but I didn’t have time to have breakfast or make my lunch. M: I made my breakfast last night. Then I had a quick shower and got a coffee on the way to work today. (3) Text 4 W: I have finished cleaning the floors and put all the goods in order on the shelf. So I’m going to leave. Remember to count all the money, shut off the lights, and lock up when you leave. (4) M: Don’t worry. I got it. Text 5 M: For $6, you can choose one vegetable and one meat dish. For $8, you get two meat dishes and one vegetable. For $10 ... ...

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