
Unit 1 Making friends 词汇趣味课件[牛津版(深圳·广州)七上Module 1 My life]

日期:2024-09-23 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:20次 大小:1720954Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit1 Making friends 词汇讲解 Module 1 My life Today’s tasks 2 Daily reading Daily proverb 1 Recite in class Fast reading 3 Warm up Words and games 4 Self-study Use of words 5 Self-test Exercise A good beginning is half done. Daily Proverb 好的开始是成功的一半。 光阴似箭。 Time flies. Can you recite Daily reading My brother is a high school student. His name is Lin Bin. He is in Class 2, Grade 8, NO.10 High School. His class has thirty girls and twenty boys. They have 5 classes in the morning, and 3 in the afternoon. They study Chinese, math , English and other lessons. Li Bin is good at Chinese. But he isn't good at English. All of the students in his class like English. And they like then English teacher, too. They read English every day. I think they can study it well. Answers 1.A 2.C 3.C 4.A 5.D Do you get the right answers Warm up: reading competition Activity 1: Read the words from wordlist aloud -- page113(读1单元单词) Who can read the best Read and write Activity2: Read and write the new words.(根据音标拼读写单词) [‘d :m ni:] _____ [‘evriw n] _____ [‘frendli] _____ [end i‘ni ] _____ Germany everyone friendly engineer Game Time Who has magic eyes 看音标或者中文说单词 年龄 世界 国家 声音 梦想 [‘h bi] 年长的 [‘evriw n] [‘frendli] 日本 日本人 [‘d :m ni:] [end i‘ni ] 1.Germany Germany 德国 (名词n.) _____ 德国的(形容词adj.),德国人,德语 例句:He comes from _____ and he can speak _____. German Germany German _____ cars are good. German 2. complete complete (动词 v.) 完成 例句:我能帮你完成工作。 I can help you _____ the work. complete (形容词adj.) 完全的,完整的 complete help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事 = finish 一个完整的故事 a _____ story complete completely (副词adv.)彻底地 Note:形容词词尾加-ly可以构成副词 beautiful (adj.)-- beautifully (adv.) quick (adj.) -- _____ (adv.) slow (adj.) -- _____(adv.) quickly slowly 3. hobby hobby (名词 n.)爱好 _____ (复数) I have many _____(hobby), but my favourite _____ (hobby) is dancing. Note : 和爱好有关的短语 be interested in 对…感兴趣 be fond of/ be keen on 喜欢… 我对英语感兴趣 I _____ _____in English. I _____ _____ on English. I ____ _____ of English. hobbies am keen am interested hobbies hobby am fond things sb. like doing 4. friend 4. friend (名词 n.) 朋友 friendly (形容词adj.)友好的 be friendly to 对… 友好 例句:她是我的朋友,她对所有人都很友好。 She is my _____ , and she ____ _____ _____ everyone. friend is friendly to make friends with sb. 与某人交朋友 kind and nice I have a lot of _____. friends 5.elder 和older elder 和older: elder和older都是old 的比较级,elder表示年长的,主要用来区分长幼顺序,older区分年龄大小。 例句:Tom 比我大两岁,他是我的哥哥。 Tom is two years _____ than me. He is my _____ brother. elder older 我的弟弟 my _____ brother 我的姐姐 my _____ sister 我的妹妹 my _____ sister 反义词:younger elder younger younger 1.德国 _____名词(n.) 德国的_____形容词(adj.) 2.朋友 _____名词(n.) ... ...

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