

日期:2024-10-05 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:58次 大小:19197Byte 来源:二一课件通
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人教版初中英语七年级下册Unit 8-9 单词知识点讲解(讲义) Unit 8 单词讲解 1 post n. 邮政 v. 张贴 She is posting the notices. v. 发帖子 Don’t post everything on the Internet. 2 office n.办公室 It was 5 when he got to his office. 3 post office邮局 Run to the post office before it is closed. 4 police n.警察 The police are looking for a car. policeman n.警察 5 police station 警察局 She was taken to the police station. Where is the police station 6 hotel n.旅馆 Did you book a hotel room 7 restaurant n.餐馆 We had dinner in a restaurant. The restaurant isn’t far from here. 8 bank n.银行 Where is the nearest bank n.岸 At the bank of the river, she is doing some washing. 9 hospital n.医院 He works in a hospital. He spent 2 weeks in hospital. 10 street n.大街 He lived at 221B Baker Street. 11 pay v.支付;付费 pay (sb.) (for sth.) I’ll pay for the meal. pay 200 yuan a week for the room pay sb. sth. She didn’t pay me the money she owes me. n. 工资;薪水 Her job is hard work, but the pay is good. pay the bill 买单 12 pay phone 付费电话 13 near adj.附近的 His house is very near. In the near future, we’ll be apart. adv. Visitors come from near and far. prep./adv.在..附近 Do you live near here My birthday is near summer vacation. 14 across adv.从一边到另一边;横过;宽 The river is too wide. I can’t swim across. prep. He walked across the field. 他走过田野。 There is a bank across the street. across from 在…对面 across the world在全世界范围内 15 across from在 …对面 There is a school across from our house. 16 front n.前面 in front of 在…的前面 in the front of 在…内部的前面 In front of the house is a tree. In the front of the bus, the driver is drinking water. 17 in front of 在…前面 18 behind prep. 在…的后面 Who is the girlbehind Jane adv. 在后面 She stayed behind after school. 19 town n.镇 She lives in a small town in Yunnan. 20 around prep. 在…周围 The mother put her arms aroung her. adv. 在周围;大约 I could hear the laughter all around. He arrives at around 7:30 every morning. all around the world 全世界 all over the world全世界 21 north n.北;北方 “Which way is north ” Amanda always asks. adj,北方的 North London 伦敦北部 adv. The house faces north. northern adj. 北方的 22 along prep.沿着 We walked slowlyalong the road. Along the river, there are many trees. adv. along with sb.和某人一起 23 go along/down (the street) 沿着这条街走 24 turn v.转向;转动 The wheels of the car began to turn. I turned the key in the lock, but it wouldn’t open. link-v. 变得;变成 The leaves are turning green. The weather is turning warm. Her face turned white. n.机会;轮流 Whose turn is it to cook It’s my turn to read. 轮到我读书了。 25 right adj.正确的;右边的; Turn right when you see the traffic light. It’s not right to shout at someone. adv.右边 n.右边 on the right 26 left adv.向左边 n.左边 27 turn right/left向右转/左转 turn+方向 turn+颜色 变… Leaves turn yellow when autumn comes. 28 crossing n.十字路口 at the crossing 在十字路口 29 neighborhood n.邻里之间;街区;小区 30 spen ... ...

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