ID: 20742729

Unit 9 What does he look like Section B 2a-2c 课件(共32张PPT)

日期:2024-10-20 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:30次 大小:47714673B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Section B 2a-2c Unit 9 What Does He Look Like what does she do what does she do what does he do what does he do what does he do What can they do They are policemen. They arrest criminals. [ kr m nl] and maintain the traffic order. 维护交通秩序 A criminal is a person who does bad things. crime n.罪犯 n.犯罪活动 They protect us, and keep us safe. However,they have an interesting job. a policeman an artist n.艺术家 What interesting job it is Police artist 罪犯画像师 A witness(目击者)is describinging a criminal to the police artist. Can you help her find out the criminal 教学设计: Pre-reading环节,设立情境,完成课本2a表格并利用2a表格中的单词描述罪犯,帮助police artist找到罪犯。 2a Complete the chart with words of the opposite(相反的) meaning. young thin tall long curly Pre-reading old heavy/fat short short straight Describe these people with the words in the chart. Pre-reading young thin tall long curly old heavy/fat short short straight A:What does the man in picture 1/2/3 look like B: He is... He has... He wears... Task 1: Read the article and choose the right answers. 1.Where is the article from A.In a newspaper B.In a music magazine C.In a story book D.In a sport news 2. What’s the main idea(主旨大意) of the article A. A man has a job of great fun B. A man doesn’t like his job C. A man can’t find a good job Fast reading The topic sentence(中心句) usually tells us the main idea. Task 2: Find out the man’s name and job. Then fill in the chart. Careful reading Para.1 Name Job Joe Brown police artist Task 3:Read para. 1 and complete the mind map. Second Joe of the criminal. Third Finally Careful reading Para.1 How does Joe work First People see and crimes talk to Joe They tell him what the criminal looks like draws a picture the police to find him put it in newspaper and on television Careful reading Para.2 Task 4: Answer the questions. 1. Is Joe’s job easy Why 2. How do the two momen descirbe the criminal No! It's difficult. People don’t always see things the same wayso they describe the same person differently. Also, people don't always remember well. One woman says: Another woman says: The criminal is of medium build and young. He has long straight brown hair and big eyes. The criminal is tall and thin, and he has curly blond hair. He’s about thirty years old. same Who is the most like(像) criminal In the end, the real criminal is a _____ and _____ ____man! short heavy old What does the real criminal look like He is a short, heavy old man Task 5: Read para 2 again and fiil in the chart. height build hair age one woman Another woman The real criminal witness 目击者 medium height tall thin heavy long straight brown curly blond short black young about30 old short Careful reading Para.2 Post-reading Complete the mind map according to the article. see crimes the criminal newspaper TV differently remember well RETELL Post-reading What do you think of Joe’s job I think it is inte ... ...

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