

日期:2024-07-07 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:74次 大小:12785622Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    高一英语参考答案 1-5 ABCBC 6-10 CABCA 11-15 BCABA 16-20 ACBBA 21-23 ABD 24-27 CADD 28-31 ABBD 32-35 DBCA 36-40 CDFEA 41-45 BCADA 46-50 DCCBD 51-55 ADBCB 56. without 57. known 58. a 59. Unexpectedly 60. gaining 61. which 62. is involved 63. toys 64. has attracted 65. to learn 应用文参考范文 Change begins with you Hello, everyone! I'm greatly honored to stand here to deliver a speech to enhance the awareness of protecting wild animals, whose topic is Change begins with you. As we all know, animals play a part in keeping the balance of nature. Unfortunately, they are being over-hunted; their habitats are being damaged, so some of them are dying out. It’s time for us to take immediate measures to change the situation. We shouldn’t cut down trees without permission. Instead, we are supposed to plant more trees to protect the animals’ living conditions. At the same time, more nature reserves are expected to be set up. Let's take the responsibility and do what we can to protect wild animals. Change begins with us and we will live in harmony with animals and life will become better. That's all. Thank you for your listening. 读后续写参考范文 He was in no mood for singing and found it difficult to focus on his work. He was too worried about the safety of his gold. When he was working, he couldn’t help running in and out again and again to see if his gold was all right. And he kept removing the bag from one place to another to keep it safe. What’s worse, he lay awake all night because he was always trying to count the gold. Worst of all, the children no longer came to see him. At last the shoemaker felt so unhappy that he took his bag of gold and ran next door to the rich man. He handed the bag of gold to the rich man the moment he opened the door. “Please take back your gold,” he said. “The worry of it is making me upset all day and night, and I have lost all of my friends. I would rather be a poor shoemaker as I was before.” The rich man was amazed. Before he could say a word, the shoemaker had left. From then on, the shoemaker was happy again and sang all day long at his work. 听力材料 (Text 1) W: Morning, Greg. Why are you at the bus stop so early M: I don’t want to be late again for work. Mr Atkins goes mad. W: Too bad you don’t live close to the subway.You’d get there in no e on, get in. I’ll give you a ride. (Text 2) M: So, are you going to join my Spanish course this year W: Well, I put my name down, but I’ve changed my mind. A friend of mine is taking up photography. And I think I’ll join him. M: I didn’t have you down as the artistic type. (Text 3) M: My name is Larry Sinclair, and I am staying in room 305 here. I was wondering what time the shuttle bus leaves for the airport in the morning. W: The first bus leaves at 6:30 a.m., and there is a bus every fifteen minutes, sir. (Text 4) W: Well, I heard the CEO Mr. Matthew is ready to retire, so Mr. Jackson will take his place. M: Really I wonder who the next CFO will be then W: Well, ... ...

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