

日期:2024-07-07 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:89次 大小:7311406Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    高 一 英 语 参 考 答 案 听力理解: 1-5 CABCA 6-10 CBBCC 11-15 AABBC 单项选择: 16-20 CADBC 21-25 BDBAC 完型填空: 26-30 CBDCA 31-35 CAADC 36-40 BCDAB 阅读理解: 41-45 AABBC 46-50 DCBAC 51-55 DABCB 语篇填空:(每题0.5分,满分5分) (形式错误不给分,大小写不计错) 56. treasures 57. missing 58. protected 59. than 60. sadness 61. why 62. cheaper 63. being 64. for 65. to 阅读表达 66. Reduce. 67. The current news, sports scores and fun facts. 68. She learned the hospital settings and system and different life of others. 69. She feels truly grateful and honored. 70. (Open.) I realized that everyone can make a difference through doing voluntary work. 书面表达 (注意:满分15分,及格分9分,3分一档,最高可以给满分。给分请以鼓励学生为先,请慎重给极低分!) 71. One possible version: Hi, everyone! May I have your attention, please All the foreign students, who will visit the National Art Museum of China, are expected to gather at the school gate at 8:30 this Saturday morning. The school bus will pick you up and take you there. We will first admire a series of paintings on the theme of “Beautiful China” together, where you will be amazed by the natural scenery in many places of interest in China. Then you will enjoy the freedom to take a walk in the gallery and choose the sections that appeal to you the most. We believe this is a good chance for you to get close to Chinese works of art and get general idea about the Chinese artists. Hope you will enjoy the visit. That’s all. Thank you! 听力录音稿 Text 1 W: Hello. It’s Linda here. Can you tell me when the goods are arriving M: Well, they are leaving on February 16th, and the journey takes three days. Text 2 M: How do you fight a cold W: I don’t depend on medicine. I just try to get some rest. It seems that the body does certain natural recovering while you sleep. Text 3 W: What special Christmas gifts do you plan to give this year M: I still have no idea. Maybe for my mother a mobile phone, for my father something like a shaver, and for my brother I really want to give him a book. Text 4 W: What is your favorite part of the zoo I like the Cat House. I really like the tigers. M: Yeah. And the Lizard Lounge is great, too. But the Monkey House is the best. Text 5 W: Professor Smith explained the physics problem very clearly. M: Did he Unfortunately, it is all Greek to me. I can’t follow him at all. Text 6 W:Well, what did you think of the movie M:I really enjoyed it.How about you W:I liked it too. The last part was exciting. M:So it was. And now I'm hungry.Let's have something to eat. W:OK.What do you want to eat M:Anything is OK with me.Do you like Chinese food W:Yes, but I had Chinese food last night. M:Well, then. What about curry and rice W:I'm sorry, but I don't like curry and rice that much. What about pizza M:That sounds good. W: OK. Then let's go to Pizza Hut. Text 7 M: Good morning. How can I help you W: My family wants to go to Valencia at Easter. M: I see. Have you seen our brochures of ... ...

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