ID: 20743775

Unit 9 What does he look like Section B 1a-1e 教案(表格式)2023-2024学年人教版英语七年级下册

日期:2024-10-20 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:32次 大小:810348B 来源:二一课件通
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教学设计 课程基本信息 学科 英语 年级 七年级 学期 春季 课题 Unit 9 What does he look like Section B 1a-1e 教学目标 1.Enable Students to listen for the specific items in the conversation. 2. Enable Students to use the target language to describe people. 3. Enable Students to have a proper understanding of life. 教学内容 教学重点: Use the target language to describe people. 教学难点: 1.Listen for the specific items in the conversation. 2.Use the target language to describe people. 教学过程 StepⅠ.Lead in T:Oh,that’s my favorite TV show.Let’s watch it together. Then students talk about the stars together. 设计意图:通过明星红毯视频创设环境,引入话题并在语境中激活旧知和呈现新单词。 StepⅡ. Work on 1a and 1b 1. Work on 1a and 1b. 2. Have students describe these people in sentences,including their jobs. 设计意图:使学生对新单词和目标句型更熟悉,为听力任务做准备。 Step Ⅲ.Listening T: Look, Laura and Bob are also watching this show. Let’s get more information about their favorite stars. Lead students to observe the picture to predict before listening . Work on 1c.Listen and ask students to pay attention to the jobs. Work on 1d.Listen again and ask students to pay attention to what each person looks like this time. Johnny DeanTina BrownJobsingerLoos like Ask students to fill in the blanks after listening. Johnny Dean is a_____ . He is really_____and really_____. And he has_____hair. And he has funny_____. Tina Brown is an_____with long _____hair. She isn't tall or short. She is of medium_____. She is really cool and beautiful. Listen and imitate. Lead students to pay attention the expressions, tones and stress. Furthering thinking Why does Bob like Tina Brown 设计意图:通过听力技巧的指导,使学生更准确地听到关键词。听后填空题的设置,让学生对听力材料有了更深的理解。跟读模仿引导学生学会地道的英语表达方式,同时关注到语调和重音。最后问题的抛出,引发学生更深的思考,不仅关注到人物的外貌,也看到他们的品质和能力。 Step IV.Summary Classify the words that can be used to describe people. 设计意图:为语言输出活动做准备。 Step V. Group work Ask students to make a survey in groups and do a report. LilyJohn......Favorite starjobLooks likereason Ask students to check the checklists during the group work. Show time. 设计意图:小组调查和汇报的活动,既让每位同学都参与进了他们感兴趣的“my favorite star”话题之中,又促进了他们的合作互助。 自我检测表的使用,实现了教学评一体化,让学生对本节课的表现进行了自我评价,以便更好的提升自我。 Step V. Watch a video about Dong Yuhui 设计意图:引导学生不以貌取人,树立正确的价值观,更在他们心里种下追寻自我、追寻美德的种子。引发学生对于人生更深的思考。 StepVI. Homework Level A 1.Complete the word tree . 2.Write a passage about the star in your mind. Level B 1.Create a word tree by yourself. 2.Write a passage about the star in your mind. 设计意图:单词树的引入为学生进行单词归类和单词记忆提供了有效的方法,补充完成单词树和画出自己的单词树两个作业的设计实现了作业分层,又激发了学生的创造性思维。 对自己心目中的明星进行写作这一作业的设置则是为 ... ...

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