
Unit 5 Famous People spell 课件(共20张PPT)

日期:2024-10-05 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:11次 大小:41019785Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Let’s spell Unit 5 Famous People A Listen, point and repeat. station transportation dictionary picture furniture temperature tion ture A Listen, point and repeat. tion ture A Listen, point and repeat. station transportation dictionary picture furniture temperature tion ture Let’s practise. tion action condition competition nation location invention ture nature culture future creature adventure nature furniture station transportation culture action dictionary picture future condition B Listen, underline and repeat. nature furniture station transportation culture action dictionary picture future condition B Listen, underline and repeat. C Listen, write and say. 1. It is good to use a when you do not know a word. 2. A: What do you want to be in the B: I want to be an English teacher. dictionary future dictionary C Listen, write and say. 1. It is good to use a when you do not know a word. 2. A: What do you want to be in the B: I want to be an English teacher. dictionary future future What is inside the furniture D Listen and repeat. In the dictionary is a picture. A picture of some furniture. I have a question about the picture. What is inside the furniture D Listen and repeat. In the dictionary is a picture. A picture of some furniture. I have a question about the picture. Famous Stars Zhou Shen 1992 singer (Chinese) famous for his songs and beautiful voice the song Big Fish China in the Lights good at Russian(俄语), Ukrainian(乌克兰语), Polish(波兰语), English, Italian(意大利语) Zhou Jielun (Jay Zhou) 1979 singer (Chinese) famous for his unique music style Ben Cao Gang Mu Qing Hua Ci Qian Li Zhi Wai good at composing music(作曲) writing lyrics(作词) Zhao Liying 1987 actress (Chinese) famous for her acting skill Hua Qian Gu Chu Qiao Zhuan good at playing different roles Cheng Long (Jackie Chan) 1954 actor (Chinese) famous for his kung fu comedy his charity work Drunken Master Police Story good at kung fu Zhang Yixing 1991 singer/dancer (Chinese) famous for his excellent music and dance the reality show Go Fighing! Sheep Fei Tian good at singing and dancing Name Nationality Job Year of birth Achievements(成就) Zhou Shen Chinese singer 1992 his songs and beautiful voice the song Big Fish Zhou Jielun Chinese singer 1979 his unique music style the song Ben Cao Gang Mu Zhao Liying Chinese actress 1987 her acting skill the TV series Hua Qian Gu Cheng Long Chinese actor 1954 his kung fu comedy his charity work Zhang Yixing Chinese singer dancer 1991 his excellent music and dance the reality show Go Fighing!

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