
Unit 5 Famous People check 课件(共28张PPT)

日期:2024-10-05 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:69次 大小:19518460Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 5 Famous People Let’s check Favorite Famous Person 1 Let’s review. Qian Xuesen Lu Xun Leonardo da Vinci Qi Baishi Ludwig van Beethoven 2 Let’s listen. Favorite Famous Person Listen and write. P64 Lily Listen and write. P64 Joy Lily Listen and write. P64 Joy Binbin Lily Listen and write. P64 Joy Yaoyao Binbin Lily Listen and write. P64 Joy Bill Yaoyao Binbin Lily Listen and write. P64 Joy Bill Yaoyao Binbin Lily Favorite Famous Person Favorite Famous Person Favorite Famous Person He is famous for his interesting stories for children. My favorite famous person is Madame Curie (居里夫人) 3 Let’s read. Skimming(略读) 1. Read in details(细读) 1. 2. 3. 4. 开玩笑,嬉闹 Read in details(细读) Read in details(细读) We should study hard. She is Marie Curie. She was _____. She was _____. She was born in _____ and passed away in _____. She is famous for _____ _____. French a physicist and a chemist 1867 1934 discovering two radioactive elements, polonium(钋) and radium(镭) Marie Curie (玛丽·居里) I like her because she knows what she wants and she studys very hard to achieve her goals. She is a great woman. 4 Let’s talk. Who is your favorite famous person What do you know about him/her Why do you like him/her 5 Let’s write. My favorite famous person is _____. He/She was _____. ...... ...... ...... (I like him/her because he/she ......) 言语得体,逻辑通顺 书写规范 姿势端正

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