
Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?基础知识训练卷(含答案)

日期:2024-09-21 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:69次 大小:429604Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 七年级下册英语Unit1基础知识训练卷 一、根据所给首字母、句意在空白处填入一个适当的单词 1. Lisa is in art club. She d well. 2. Every(每个) student in our school can s Putonghua. 3. I like playing basketball. Can I join a s club 4. The school show is the music room on Sunday. 5.-Let's join the swimming club! -S good. 6.-Can you speak English Chinese -English. 7. We want two singers(歌手) our School Day. 8. Sonia can p soccer. And she often plays it her free time. 9. Let's go to see the old people the old people's home. 10. Our school is in the c of the city. 二、用所给单词的正确形式填空。 1. My grandpa often tells me (story)in the evening, so I like him very much. 2. Jane can and she wants to join the club. (swim) 3. I want (join) the music club. What you 4. They can join the story (tell) club. 5. He's busy, so he can't (play)soccer with us. 6. We can see two school (show)during(在……期间) the School Festival. 7. Can you do (China)Kung Fu 8. I have two (piano). One is old and the other(另一个) is new. 9. Please come and show (we)your new pen. 10.My grandma is very good at (tell)stories. 11. Miss Huang (teach)him music. She is his favorite teacher. 12. Let's play basketball at the (student)Sports Center. 13. There are some (people)in the room today. 14. Please help me (find)my keys. They are lost. 15. That teacher likes (talk) and play games his students. 三、选择填空。 ( )1.I like playing guitar while my sister likes playing chess. A. the: the B. the;/ C.the;a D./;the ( )2.--Can you English -Yes. But not much. A.talk B.say C.speak D. tell ( )3.- I like drawing pictures a lot.Can I the art club -Sure. A.leave B.join C. clean D.use ( )4.-Could you tell him me when he arrives in(到达) Shanghai -Sure, no problem. A. is calling B. calls C. to call D. calling ( )5.-The old man always stories to the children. -No wonder(难) children like to stay with him. A.tells B. says C.speaks D. talks ( )6.-Are you at drawing -No, but I can play chess very . A. good; good B. good; well C. well; well D. well; good ( )7.-She can English songs.What about -I think she can. A.sing; dancing B. singing; dancing C.sing; dance D. singing; dance ( )8.-Can you sing or dance - . A. Yes, I can. B. No, I can't. C. I can sing. D. No, I can dance. ( )9.-Can you it in English -Yes. I can English very well. A. speak;say B. speak;speak C.say;speak D. say;say ( )10.- -He can play soccer. A. What club does he want to join B. What does he do C. What can he do D. What does he like ( )11.-Jack, can you your new photos me -Sure. Here you are. A. show;for B. show; to C. shows; to D. show; at ( )12.-Thomas, where are my postcards(明信片) I find them. -They're on the bookshelf. A.can't B. needn't C. mustn't D. don't ( )13. My friend Jenny often helps me my English and math A.to B. with C. on D.in ( )14.-All of us like the piano teacher. -Yeah. He's us and he is also Chinese Kung Fu. A. good with; good at B. good to; good with C. good for; good at D. good with; good fo ... ...

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