ID: 20755704

Unit 4 Where's my schoolbag?暑假复习课件(共19张PPT)

日期:2024-10-22 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:38次 大小:29086242B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Happy Children's Day Where is my schoolbag Activity 1 The title of this unit 单元标题 Where is my schoolbag 我的书包 在哪里? 特殊疑问句 一般疑问句 The topic of this unit 单元话题 =language goal 语言目标 Activity 2 1. talk about where things are. 谈论物品的位置 2. learn about propositions. 学习方位介词 Activity 3 The key words of this unit 单元重点单词 1.桌子 2.床 3.书架 4.沙发 5.椅子 6.书桌 7.房间 8.帽子 9.头 10.收音机 11.时钟 12.磁带播放机 13.飞机模型 1.table 2.bed 3.bookcase 4.sofa 5.chair 6.desk 8.hat 9.head 11.clock 12.tape player 13.model plane 14. 来到 15. 知道 16. 思考 17. 他们的 18. 整洁的 19. 我们的 20. 到处 21. 总是 e 15. know 16. think 17. their 18. tidy 19. our 20. everywhere 21. always Activity 4 The key phrases of this unit 单元重点短语 1.电脑游戏 2.我的铅笔盒 3.在沙发上 4.在你的书包里 5.在你的床下 6.在桌子下 7.在桌子上 8.在你爷爷奶奶的房间里 9.在你头上 10.在我们的房间里 11.在书架里 game pencil box 3.on the sofa your schoolbag 5.under your bed 6.under the table 7.on the table your grandparents’room 9.on your head our room the bookcase Activity 5 Oral English--recite 2d x √ √ Activity 5 Oral English--recite 2b 阅读 I’m Kate, and my sister is Gina. I’m tidy, but Gina is not. Part 1 Topic 并列 我的姐姐 整洁 但是 Activity 5 Oral English--recite 2b 阅读 Part 2 Kate’s room Gina's books are ... The white model plane is ... Gina always asks. Part 3 Gina’s room Activity 5 Oral English--recite 2b 阅读 Activity 6 The grammar of this unit 单元语法 Where ___ the map __ __ in your grandparents' room. Where ___ my books _____ ____ on the sofa. Where __ his pencil box It __ in his schoolbag. Where__ your ruler It __ under the chair. Where ___ their keys They ___ on the table. is It is are They are is is is is are are Where 后用单数还是复数由_____决定. 主语的单复数 如果主语是单数, be动词用___; 如果主语是复数, be动词用____; is are 数量一致原则 where is where is 回答用it's where are where are 回答用they are Where is my book It's on my desk. Where are my apples They are on the table. Activity 6 The grammar of this unit 单元语法 2)“介词+the+名词”构成 _____. 介词短语 “介词+形物代+名词” on the desk in the schoolbag under the bed under my bed in his schoolbag on your table Activity 6 The grammar of this unit 单元语法 The key sentences of this unit 单元重点句子 Activity 7 1.我是Kate, 我的妹妹是Gina。 (and) 2.我很整洁,但是我的妹妹Gina不整洁。 (but) 3. and 并列两个主语: 我的书和磁带在书架上。 My books and tapes are in the bookcase. 找动词 有实义动词--主谓宾 没有实义动词-- 主系表 I am tidy, but my sister Gina is not. I am Kate, and my sister is Gina. Activity 8 The composition of this unit 单元作文 How to introduce our rooms 开头 中间 结尾 Hello! Everyone! Let me introduce my room to you. My room is very tidy. My ... is ... I have a ... It’s ... The ... and ... is sb’s. They are ... I have a nice room. I like my room ver ... ...

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