

日期:2024-07-08 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:81次 大小:7801653Byte 来源:二一课件通
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第三部分语言运用(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。 I always miss Grandma.Settled in the armchair,I often find myself 41 by the fond memories of my grandma.Her influence was as gentle as a summer breeze ()yet 42 “Love,”she would say,“is the most_43_force in the world.”Her words were not just a lesson but a 44 light that led me through life's journey.She taught me to love 45,to give selflessly,and to always find joy in the simple things.She effortlessly wove (those 46 into the fabric of my being. Now,as I sit with my grandchildren,their eyes wide with 47,I find myself recounting the 48 Grandma told me.I show them how to take care of the garden that Grandma once lovingly 49,where each plant holds a tale of patience and growth.We bake cookies together,just as I did with Grandma,and I 50 as they embrace the joy and affection baking brings. The emotion of 51 swells in my heart as I realize the legacy (I now carry. Grandma's wisdom went beyond time,connecting generations and 52 the gaps that life presents.It's a legacy that I'm proud to 53 to my grandchildren.In this way,the love of a grandma becomes a timeless 54 As they grow,I hope they will remember the stories,the lessons,and the love.And one day,when they become 55 themselves,they will still remember the unique legacy of our family. 41.A.abandoned B.cheated C.bothered D.enveloped 42.A.double-edged B.long-lasting C.well-rounded D.wide-ranging 43.A.powerful B.accurate C.terrible D.complex 44.A.guiding B.disturbing C.following D.training 45.A.inconsistently B.unconditionally C.selfishly D.greedily 46.A.games B.symbols C.qualities D.favors 47.A.disappointment B.curiosity C.kindness D.anger 48.A.reports B.stories C.solutions D.plans 49.A.dug B.selected C.restored D.tended 50.A.observe B.imagine C.suspect D.investigate 51.A.calmness B.forgiveness C.confidence D.gratitude 52.A.leaving B.widening C.bridging D.creating 53.A.give away B.hand in C.pass on D.hold back 54.A.skill B.qualification C.schedule D.bond 55.A.lifesavers B.firefighters C.storytellers D.peacekeepers 高二英语第8页(共10页) 器国全

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