

日期:2024-07-08 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:94次 大小:17752109Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    2023一2024学年第二学期高二期末调研考试 7.Huw dove the wursn fiad the offe A.II taates like ordinary coffce. 英 语 B.It is the hest cofiee she has ever had. C.It taates diterent freen the uguel cofle 注意本项: 所地?段材料:回格第8、9叹。 1.密遵前,背=冬必将日己的姓名、考生号,考场号、座代号步冯在然短卡上 8.Who is the woman nrobahly! 名.回答光补燃时,滥出年小岁答泰后,用性节把咨盟卡上对交边日的答案标号茶 A.A tour guide. B.A station worker A passenger. 风、加霄成动,用橡皮掾干净后,再选涂其他答按标号。叫芒北拦加时,将若岸百在 9.What tire is the train going to arrivc in Sydncy 上At9,23 C.At2:00. 管区卡上,写空本试卷上心煮 .11:, 3.考式箔克后,杵本式浮和将风卡价交日、 听第8材料,川芒第10至12。 10.Why does the man beok the aeals upetairs 第一部分听力(共两节,尚分0分)】 A Tbey are more comlorlable. 阪顺时,先将答茶在式洋上,录膏内客针束后,你洛市两分帅的问将试业上的答款节 B.They are dose to Ile ssge. 涂到落感尺卜, C.They nre a hit chazper, 姿 第一节(共5小双,年小区1.5分,消分7.5分》 11.When daes the min plan to see the performnance 听下而5泛对话。每泛对话后打一一个小遵,从巾所给的A、几、C三个选美巾边山收挂之 A.(n〔ctober2rsl. B.On Ctob灯5h C On Oeraher 31st. 项:并在试丝的州应径出。所完每以对浙后,陈都布1心秒冲的时间米回客有,处小进和读下 12.How moch will the meu ey for the Ltsels 一小网.何段对话仅汝一鸿。 A.85. B.粉1h, 315. 听第9花材料,可挖篇13至18越、 How uch s the hi A£1a.15 B£.18. G£.15, 13.In which country are the speakers rw %架是C, A.England. B.America. C Cansda 1.What is the relstionshin betoroon rhe woenan and Greg 14.What do he wcomu'a Lely usually do on Tsuksgiving A.Neighhars. 且55 soates. C.Tescher and stodent, A.Wear niee clothes 2.When is the iran abie to attend the play B.Visit their neighbors. C.Dorate frod ta the paor. 打 A On Wedueady. B.Oa Thursday C.On Fridoy. 3.Wlat ries the wouau prolably sugzest the msu hury 15.What impressed the ma at tbe Thsksivuu diter A.A toy car. B.A bock C.Ae:时VR glnsees. A.Ecing iree [tom buy achool daya. 4.IIoe doos rhe man want to truvely B.Being couserned alout social problems A.By planc BBy car. C By train Kuowing about ChriatmAs celebrntinns. 5.Where doas this conversatiun tise plsce 16.Wbea did everyone leave at the Thanksgiving cinnet A15:8. r10:0 A.In a museum B.In a rescauront. C.In a tbeuire. C At 1]:C0. 第二节(共15小g1每小函15分,淋分欲.5分) 听第10没村料叫密第17至20网. 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或烈白后有儿个小风:从冠巾析治的AB、C三个进项 17.Whot is the highest tompsrnture this weckend 中远出批住达戏,并标在试爱的料空做置。斯钱段对活或独亡前,你将有时问问读各个小题,每 A,20 degrees. B.28 degrces C.30 degrees. 小越5神,听完后:各小地将给出5秒切的作密时风。每段对活独白同边。 18.What reeard will he bruken according to the spezker 听体日以材料科,回芒第5,7愿。 A.The hattest week in n decsde. 6.Whit kind af coffee ia the wurzn drinking BThe mst forest fires in history. A.Africnn coffee. B.Ceclumbinn coffee. C.Turkisl coffee C.The rarxt sunny days durin suruDer. 19.What will be clused ... ...

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