
人教版七年级下册 Unit 10 I’d like some noodles Section A 1a-1c课件+音频(共42张PPT)

日期:2024-09-19 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:82次 大小:427489971Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 10 I'd like some noodles (Section A 1a-1c) 制作说明:这页作为节目开场效果,创设情景用 Part-time Waiters Wanted!(服务员招聘) Do you like noodles Do you want to enjoy delicious food for free Then come and join us! Here’s our noodle house! Let’s go and see what we should do! 川渝面馆 Special 1 Special 2 Special 3 a b c g f e d h Task 1: Know about all the food from the menu 帮我打开美团外卖... noodles $ 10 carrots $ 5 mutton $ 56 川渝面馆 川渝面馆 I would like to order... 1 1 1 noodles carrots mutton vegetables cabbage $ 6 tomatoes $ 5 potatoes $ 6 川渝面馆 1 1 1 noodles beef noodles $ 16 mutton noodles $ 15 chicken noodles $ 16 川渝面馆 1 1 1 noodles $ 10 carrots $ 5 mutton $ 56 川渝面馆 1 1 1 川渝面馆 I would like to order... 1 1 1 cabbage tamatoes patatoes vegetables cabbage $ 6 tomatoes $ 5 potatoes $ 6 川渝面馆 1 1 1 noodles beef noodles $ 16 mutton noodles $ 15 chicken noodles $ 16 川渝面馆 1 1 1 Vegetables cabbage $ 6 tomatoes $ 5 potatoes $ 6 川渝面馆 1 1 1 川渝面馆 I would like to order... 1 1 1 vegetables cabbage $ 6 tomatoes $ 5 potatoes $ 6 川渝面馆 1 1 1 noodles beef noodles $ 16 mutton noodles $ 15 chicken noodles $ 16 川渝面馆 1 1 1 beef chicken meat beef $ 16 chicken $ 15 pork $ 16 川渝面馆 1 1 川渝面馆 I would like to order... 1 1 1 vegetables cabbage $ 6 tomatoes $ 5 potatoes $ 6 川渝面馆 1 1 1 noodles beef noodles $ 16 mutton noodles $ 15 chicken noodles $ 16 川渝面馆 1 1 1 beef noodles mutton noodles chicken noodles noodles beef noodles $ 16 mutton noodles $ 15 chicken noodles $ 16 川渝面馆 1 1 1 Special 1 Special 2 Special 3 a b c g f e d h 1a. Look at the menu carefully, and match the words with the foods. 1. mutton 2. beef 3. noodles . 4. chicken 5. cabbage 6. potatoes . 7. tomatoes 8. carrots . g b c d e f a h Special 1 Special 2 Special 3 a b c g f e d h Task 2: Introduce the specials beef tomato noodles _____ and _____ noodles beef tomato Special 1 chicken cabbage noodles _____ and _____ noodles chicken cabbage Special 2 mutton carrot noodles _____,_____ and _____ noodles mutton carrot Special 3 potato potato Pairwork A:What kind of noodles would you like We have ____ and_____ noodles. B: I’d like... noodles. Special 1 Special 2 Special 3 a b c g f e d h Task 3: Help customers order food What would you like? I’d like some noodles. What kind of noodles would you like? What kind of noodles do you have? We have beef noodles, mutton noodles and chicken noodles. Are there any vegetables in the chicken noodles? Yes, there is some cabbage. OK. I’d like the _____ and _____ noodles. chicken cabbage Special 1 Special 2 Special 3 a b c g f e d h What does he order Specil1 Special 2 Special 3 1b. Listen and check (√) the noodles that the person orders. Special 1 Special 2 Special 3 a b c g f e d h Special 1has _____ and _____. Special 2 has_____ and _____. Special 3 has_____, _____ and _____. beef tomatoes chicken cabbage mutton carrots potatoes Listen ... ...

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