
Unit 3 My day Story time教案

日期:2024-10-05 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:12次 大小:19225Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 3 My day Story time 教学目标 1、在情境中学习词汇和动词短语go to school, usually, in the morning, have lunch, go home, do my homework, have dinner, watch TV, go to bed 2、能在情境中整体感知故事内容,能自主提问。 3、能够较准确的朗读课文并在教师的指导下尝试表演。 4、能初步运用本课所学的词汇和句型I…at…描述人物的日常活动。 教学重难点 1、在情境中学习词汇和动词短语go to school, usually, in the morning, have lunch, go home, do my homework, have dinner, watch TV, go to bed 2、能在情境中整体感知故事内容。 3、能够较准确的朗读课文并在教师的指导下尝试表演。 教具准备 挂图,卡片,多媒体(PPT) 教学过程: Step1 Preparation 1.Greeting T:How many lessons do you have this morning S:I have four lessons this morning. T:What are they S:They are… T:You have a good memory. What subjects do you like S:I like…It's… T:Wow, I'm glad to hear that. What about you What subjects do you like S:I like… T:Now who can do the action One student does the action, the others guess. T:You did a good job.We get up,go to school...and...We do a lot of activities in one day.Today our topic is my day. Step 2 Presentation and practice T: So boys and girls, What else do you do in one day S:I~ T:Is it fun T:What activities are mentioned S:get up,have lessons,go to school... T:Well done!I need you to watch carefully and find out the key information. Ss watch the cartoon. T: Which one would you like to choose S:A Look at the first picture,what time is it S: It’s...(Nice,You’re right.Are you sure ) T:Now you can discuss the time in these pictures. Here you go. T:Are you ready S:Yes. T:What about these pictures Ss:In the afternoon. T:And they are... Ss: In the evening. T:Look at this picture,it’s twelve o’clock.It’s at noon. T:This time you need to skim the text quickly,find out the time periods in the picture and circle the key words.”Go” Ss:In the morning/In the afternoon T:Very good. First let’s look at Mike’s activities in the morning and at noon. Now who wanna be Mike T:Hello,Mike,when do you get up S:I get up at seven o’clock. T:Well done. Any more T:When do you have lessons S:I have lessons in the morning. T:How many lessons S:Four lessons. T:What lessons does Mike have in the morning S:Maybe he has... T:It sounds that Mike has the same lessons as you. Ss read together. T:Boys and girls,you are so great.But look at these sentences,they are not in order,please put these sentences in order quickly. T:How do you order them S:Time. Ss read. T:Can you try to describe with two or three sentences You can discuss with your partner. Ss try to describe. T:I usually have dinner at six fifiteen and watch TV at seven. I go to bed at nine every day. T:This is Mike’s day. Ss try to retell. Step 3 Production Now we know Mike’s activities from Monday to Friday. How about his Saturday What can he do on Saturday? Please design a nice Saturday for Mike and share it with your deskmate. Ss share 板书 Unit 3 My day I (usually) …at… In the morning/ afternoon / evening/ at night get up go ... ...

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