

日期:2024-07-09 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:63次 大小:25101113Byte 来源:二一课件通
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减接次:A 复The upy te动dto the prodret saow intil neat morth fer aldilisnal pesting A.印 B.deecrbe C.qit D.p 与EE 2024年深圳市普通高中高一年级调研考试 10.The resinroal ctes various dihes to moko siro ihece are oclions Ser all eustomen. Adrigercu B.sTieieu C.crghal D.foolich 英语 2024.7 11.1k:elinbing the nauui,is not the 一b切h:父ery aorg the wy uan肥。 共卷头1旧百,客爱隔安150分,考汽用时10分计 A.tkdinrimn B.tiys C.Bocererioa 注京事。 12 The hikzr was -hy the sukien甲erace ofa b:u4lis5Tro网s:. .答色的,与生务必袋白己若地名、考生号须可在着恩卡上,背条形四精贴在斧圆 A.ingpired H,brred C.Cidlneaed D.mved 卡右上们“条形马始后必” 13.Balaning work and he is a comnan :dhy mary poopie n时y%t-T 2:非管农择恐时,宝出每小是容案6,用B起笔在答提卡上打对位是日马的空家 法节奏)wold 信良点涂%:如衡试动,月像应旅十净后,再道徐北它容案,答案不车答生试老上 A effect B.mistabo C doim D.:lemTleage 3.十运样思好领用男色字迹的钢他欢空字范什客,空案必激可在多延卡各是日指定 1A.5x:sc拉,can we e灯hhn 区或为相立位置上:不淋根州闭笔别给改液,不拔以上系术作称无效, STy白Ehl小s 【oe.YUG江6m21(re pest morth 4。考生2家保特存愿卡们整油,多试站或6,图存试地,空回管圆卡。 A.hoo nam4以: B.hove reetranged C is henr nomrangril D.are be ng reocnnped 宽一评安或附如识(共0小圆:#小测15分,装分0分: 15.Rogrlar exercis:erahles indiviuls ,ulslhy ud bubto1ale. 量项坟泽从要所命的A、B、C.D四个选美中,运出可以填入空门处们条生远攻。 A.motpimnc I.mainbiz C.minsiad TD.having mott2lne对 1.We'd heller the pmhlts with a pasiiva attitarle and a strong will. 【ewr'm moingkil:. A.confimm 以.cd C.setle D.stress Nol值H203020 2巨0道1g白g in chidren can help thert think outside the box. A.Soul B.Need C.Must D.May A.erlivily B.reponiilily C peatresin D.Souest 13.Fatins,s typ:uf fishing_ 一为2k5量cd企eie1t,smef 3.Wton making any imporant decisons we hula think full before hark Every yr. A.thr B.which C wlwt: D.wiul A.lettirg oft seam 线palling cur weigh C.riciny t our fcl D.jurpirg nwitt both foc 18.Whea aba his expi:no:nf sying arnead.he iold slrric nf ealueal 4.Most veenapers aro cager in benme :自iowd8恨os. differences. 3k:1 B.sk白g C.01 D.having cked A.himr 日.irdeperdemt C rnansetic D.pulise e inlloece ofclimane che:englhal tenperae 19.By Aunsl 1937.Nichelas Wnln le tsp:rtol f59 :hidre it verihl 5.The rumbers in h repur oonditiens in I'ngre mn fry ir fritain A.limil 且.正dia标 C.s山Gmh0 山out everything anrnd hin白ueet25 questine A.Ltved B.to live C.Ivirg D.liwe 6.ez块cwxn 20.Shzrtx Hisxry Miscun,_ we visited list weck in XTan inginoed u dkeepiy. A.下山il U0四 C.cunozs D.shy C.when: 7.At last,Jock drilal o ls极3 cher fur hecak.ag山:rdw 4对 B.wi:h 1 whert A.spnlgise o L.cmn比w治 C.sbow mapeet t D.sira praies for 第二部分阅环解〔北内节,海公那分) 8.1h船1 muds Sie wi scovered hy a figmer when cigging a wrll in hix yurd in 第一5〔共5小圆:与小园2:分。酒分”分) 1971. 冥证下闻文,从母恩路的4、子、C、D回个选中沙业最津涉项 A.edg如tlly B.curely Cp好 D.obvinush 【局一)共龄战园骨1R1头10两1 1高-1装装昆1g1★1() ... ...

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