ID: 20783619

Module 3 Unit 1 Robots will do everything. 表格式教学设计

日期:2025-03-07 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:91次 大小:428544B 来源:二一课件通
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Module3 Uint1 Robots will do everything. 教学目标 Target dimension Concrete content Knowledge objectives Students are able to understand and recognize vocabulary:robot, everything, housework, learn, our, homework and phrases such as“ one day, do the house work, do our home work, help children learn .”Learn to use "It can..." and "they will." Ability aims Can use the sentence pattern "It can..." and "they will." to tell what my robot can do now and will do in the future, can read the text and perform the text. Learning strategy Develop the good habit of self-study, implementation and serious imitation, and cultivate the oral communication ability and divergent thinking ability. Cultural awareness By learning this lesson, students develop an expectation for the future capabilities of robots. Emotional aims Through this lesson, stimulate students' interest and motivation in learning. 教学过程 Procedures Teacher’s activities Students’activities purposes Step1 Warming-up 1.Greeting.T:Good morning boys and girls.Welcome to my English class. I'm very happy to see you today.How are you today 2.Let’s sing and chant(视频)T: Can you clap T: Clap your hands.T :Can you stomp T: Stomp your feet.T: Can you fly T:what can you do Ss:Good morning.Ss:Fine,thank you. And you Ss:Let’s sing and chant.S1:I can swim.S2:I can jump high. S3;I can jump far .S4:I can dance /sing /doTaijiquan/ draw 教师与学生互致问候,以便拉近师生距离。歌曲激趣,知识铺垫。 Step2 Lead-in 1.Let's have a look.Play the teacher's daily life .(动画)T:Everyone, you can do so many things. Actually I can do lots of things too. T:I can drive my car to school.I can teach English.I can corret homework. I can cook for my family.T:I can do the housework. I'm tired everyday.I think, it’s the same to your mum. Yes I'm very busy everyday. Who can help you 2.Listen and look.(蒙层、橡皮擦功能)Wow.It's a robot T:The robot says:One day ,I wll do today,We're going to learn M3U1 Robots will do everything. 1.Ss:Yes. It’s cool.2.Ss read it.Ss:Robots will do every thing. 教师创设自己生活的日常的情景,帮助学生复习旧知,激活学生原有知识储备。 Step3 Text learning 1.Let’s learn new words.(音频)T:Here are three new words.Let's learn them through the dictionary.(数字教材字典功能).T:The first one: robotT:robot means Yes. read it. The second one: willT: Read it one by one. This line, please! Good! Super!T:everything.T:Pay attention to your tongue. thing.T;Robots will do everything T;Do you believe that In fact Daming has got a robot.How is Daming's robot Let's have a look! 2.Students watch the vedioT: try to find “what can Daming’s robot do (数字教材播放动画)T:Have you got the answer You, please .3.Students listen and find.T: What will Daming’s robot do (数字教材播放音频)Listen and circle the answers(视频)(音频)T:Have you got the answer What will Daming’s robot do Boy, please. The Robots will do so many things. will they do everything Sam has a dream, The robot will do our homework ... ...

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